Some Random Analogical Stuffs Because Why Not

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So I don't think I mentioned this but I ship Analogical very, very much, I don't know why I just do. So along with lots of Logicality and Prinxiety, there'll probably be an unhealthy amount of Analogical in here too! 

Enjoy I guess



TW: Panic attack and references to an abusive relationship

Virgil sighed. 

This was it. 

He was going to tell Logan how he felt. 

To be exact, he was about to tell Logan that he was pretty much madly in love with him. 


This was not going to work out. 


He sighed again and left his room, walking to Patton's. Patton had told him he could come to him anytime for advice or just to hang out. 

That's how Virgil landed himself having a panic attack on Patton's bed while Patton rubbed his back. "W-What if he doesn't like me- What if this ruins everything... What if I have to go back to Remus and Deceit because you guys kick me out! I- I can't-" Virgil took another shaky breath. "I can't go back- I c-can't go back to Deceit-" 

"Virgil, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to go great. Even if Logan doesn't like you like that, he'll probably be amazed that you were brave enough to be vulnerable with him. And no way are we going to make you go back to Deceit and Remus. We know how Deceit treated you, there's no way we're making you go back to being treated like that. I'll fight for you!" 

Virgil laughed. Patton could always make him feel better.  "I doubt you could fight anyone, Patton." 

Patton smiled. "I could for you, Virge. Now, go on and tell Logan how you feel! I'm rooting for you!" 

Virgil got up and went to go look for Logan. He found him reading Sherlock Holmes in his room. "Honestly just shut up Watson-" 

Virgil grinned and knocked. 

Logan looked up. "Oh. Hey Virgil, come in."

Virgil sighed and walked in. "Uh, Logan?" 


Virgil blushed and started playing with his hoodie sleeves. "Uh, I've got something to tell you..."

"Well, I would assume, you're in my room talking to me." 

Virgil smiled again. "Yeah, that's true. Uh, is it ok if I sit down?" 

Logan nodded and moved over on his bed, patting the spot next to him. "Of course, Virgil."

Virgil sat down and looked over towards Logan, blushing again. 

So. Beautiful. 

"Virgil, your face is really red. Are you feeling okay?" 

Virgil looked away. "Uh, yeah, I don't think that's what's up..."

Logan looked at Virgil, mildly confused. "Then what is?" 

Virgil looked at Logan, still blushing. "I, uh, I really like you, Logan. As in, like, as more than a friend. A lot more than a friend."

Logan blushed a bit. "I- I, uh-"

Virgil put his finger over Logan's lips. "Shhh. I'm not done yet. I also happen to think you're like, super gorgeous and really, immensely hot. And you're definitely the smartest person I know and I think I might love you and wow I really want to kiss you right now and-"

Logan pulled Virgil towards him and kissed him hard. He pulled away quickly, turning bright red. "I'm sorry, my emotions took over, I... I like you too, Virgil. Also, I really want to kiss you again."

Virgil smiled and kissed Logan again. "I'm glad. Sooooo... be my boyfriend?"

Logan smiled. "Obviously."

Virgil giggled. "I, uh, I gotta go tell Patton-"

"Yeah, of course."

Virgil shook his head. "He's going to be wayyyy too excited." He pecked Logan on the lips again and got up, making his way to Patton's room.

Patton was standing to the left of the door, obviously waiting for Virgil. "How'ditgohow'ditgohow'ditgo!"

Virgil smiled. "Woah, woah, slow down there, Patton."

Patton giggled. "How'd it go?!"

"So, uh..." Virgil smiled again. He really couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Spit it out!" Patton halfway-skipped to his bed and motioned for Virgil to sit down next to him. "What happened!"

Virgil plopped down on Patton's bed, still smiling. "He-He likes me!"

Patton jumped up off the bed,  squealing and jumping up and down in excitement. "YAYYYYY!"

Virgil smiled and stared up at the ceiling, rethinking the event. "Yeah."

Patton sat back down on the bed, smiling at Virgil. "Tell me EVERYTHING!" 

Ok I'm really proud of this. 

Like yay. I actually wrote something decent. I was honestly assuming this was going to be terrible. 

Hope you guys liked it! Next story should be up in about 3 days, maybe less? 

Message me with any requests!


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