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I was diagnosed at the age of 7. What do I mean by that? I will start from the beginning. They knew there was something but they where not sure what. I thought different. I didn't do things the same. You could poke me and it would hurt the way it would hurt you to be punched. Yup it was bad. I hate loud noises. So I hated being I'm public, like at school, at the mall, all over the place there where loud noises that hurt my ears! every thing was different. I had bean diagnosed with sensory disorder when I was 4. The reason I had that was because I had autism. We didn't know that until I was 7 though so that didn't help. Other kids would make fun of what I did. They would laugh at me, call me rude names, leave me out. All because I was different. I now have to take medication for it. The medication helps but I will never be normal. The worst part is when people hate me because of my disability.

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