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The sunset sky was drenched in a pale red, as the Imperial Shuttle softly landed down on crimson Dathomirian soil. The droid piloting the spacecraft was X4-O, Emperor Palpatine's stealth droid. He accompanied Palpatine on his most secretive trips in the galaxy. According to Sly Moore: Palpatine's Administrative Aide, Darth Bane's final hidden holocron lies here. On the forgotten world of Dathomir, once inhabited by the past recollected Nightsister Coven. They once resided in the deep caverns, making a nest like the rodents Palpatine thought they were. In fact he ridiculed them, disgusted at their belief that they did not give in to the dark side to practice their ways, they were to busy enslaving the men of Dathomir to do their bidding. Which to Palpatine, he believed both genders should have co existed. They would have been more successful as a species. They weren't slaves of the darkside like the Sith, they used it as a tool. The witches nearly scratched at the throat of the power they could have. If they gave into the full power of the darkside. That is why their coven did not survive the Clone Wars, that is why the threat of Palpatine being revealed as a Sith Lord, and simply for the witch's existence, was why he orchestrated the massacre and extinction of the Nightsisters. Done by the pawns he once had in the Clone Wars, such as Count Dooku and General Grievous, both Separatist leaders fighting against the Republic. The Republic he was the Chancellor of, and after the war ended, the Emperor of the galaxy. Achieving what no other Sith before him had ever done, unlimited power. Simultaneously keeping a veil of a double life of the Sith at the same time.

But Palpatine did not dwell very long on what was history, instead he got up from the padded seat in his small quarters on the ship, flying almost across the galaxy from the comforts of Coruscant. If someone were to see him, the Emperor of the galaxy, out in the woods of Dathomir, it would strike them as immensely odd. But Sheev Palpatine was here for a better reason than to be seen by a dathomirian who would gawk at him. One of Darth Bane's Sith Holocrons was hid here during his time as Dark Lord of the Sith. Before his apprentice surpassed him. Something Emperor Palpatine the leader of his new Sith order is hoping won't happen. Thanks to his holocron. When Sheev's dear friend and fellow politician, Hugo Damask informed him he was the last of the Sith, Sheev agreed to be under his tutelage. And became Darth Sidious. Once he learned everything he could from his master he killed him that is how it had to be, a master and apprentice. One to crave the power, and one to embody it. After he became Emperor of the galaxy and established the Empire, he commanded all his stormtroopers to test each child on the planet they were stationed on to see if they were Force sensitive. To see if they could be trained in the ways of the Force. The dark side of the Force. And if they were, fly them to a secret planet to be trained. That started five years ago. Walking out he drew his hood up. For utmost stealth, and casting an invisible guard up around him, while X4-O stayed behind with the ship.

The ruins of the Nightsister lair was just three miles ahead, this spot just on the end of the dead forest, was where they could land. As Palpatine neared cautiously into the forest of dead trees, he sensed the holocron's presence. As if it were a Force user in its own sense. Red fog populated the malnutritioned soil, and lingered on the damp ground. This bothered the Sith master very little, as he was focused on reaching the ruins before the blood red sun went down and the twin blood moons illuminated the planet. Creatures and beasts were prominent, sitting at the top of the food chain was the mighty rancor. A beast Palpatine could take down but would slow his trek, within minutes of walking he reached the steps of the Nightsister's lair, the architecture was of a woman. Perhaps a leader. Some of the statues limbs have fallen off and hunks of stone laid on the dirt collecting dust for the past five years. Palpatine cringed as he kicked a corpse out of his way, he disliked the Nightsisters but admired their resilience, as they have lingered on Dathomir and its harsh climate for thousands of years. And manifesting the power of the dark side bathed in the planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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