With the power of a thousand suns comes great havoc.


It had been centuries since my last encounter with them. I could remember her tear stricken face when she stared down on my seemingly lifeless body and his last moment in his life. He much like Mara had haunted my dreams for what much seemed like an eternity.

As she stared, her sobs had filled the air around her. Her energy had increased tenfold, then in an instant the energy went towards the lifeless body. The body that had been mine.

That was the moment I realized Mara was a healer of the gods. I had been so foolish to not suspect it before. Alas, nothing could be done now. The short time I had with her had come to an end. Now even if I had gone back to teach her the healers ways, questions would have to be answered.

Questions, I couldn't speak the answers to.


A sigh escaped my mouth, as I thought back to that moment. Where I had watched Mara fruitlessly try and bring my body back.

My eyes glazed over with unshed tears, as I relieved watching her use her energy again and again. I had watched her kill herself trying to bring me back.

I watched the god's healer kill herself over a goddess.

A goddess that was shunned wherever she went by the rest of the gods.

I shook my head lightly ridding myself of the thoughts I had. Yet, my mind traveled back to her. To where I saw her collapse on the ground as her soul left her.

Now the roles had reversed, I grabbed her body and hugged her to me. Whispering over and over again the one word that could leave my body.

"Help, help, help..... help."


A shudder passes throughout my body. I had relieved that moment for centuries. I was the one at fault for her death.

I had unintentionally killed her.

A moment of silence passes through my mind. Then as quickly as it came, I began thinking about her once again.

Ever since she had killed herself trying to revive me I had never again allowed myself to indulge in friendship.

I would have ended up killing them too.

The Shunned GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now