Flea infested dogs

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Chapter Twenty Four: Jess's pov

Im a werewolf. A wolf. A big furry creature that lays on dirt and howls at the moon. Damn. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME! Well at least that was what i was thinking until my fake boyfriend transported me somewhere. I was grinning like an idiot when he grabbed my hand and i was suddenly surrounded by darkness. It was almost as if i had fell into a bottomless pit. It wasnt like i was flying...more like floating in mid air and the world is moving around me. Almost like Aiden and i are the sun and the world was revolving around us. It was..........nausciating.

After what felt like hours but was probably seconds we landed on the ground. Or rather he landed. I.....slipped. Okay well i suppose i fell rather than slsip since there was nothing to slip on. Totally not my fault though since nobody ever gave me training on how to....well whatever it is we just did. Which reminds me..who the hell is the man -aka my fake boyfriend- really? I was brought out of my thought by the amount of people who i assumed were witches or something attacking my mate. I didnt even know witches existed but i knew at this exact moment i hated them. They dare attack my mate? Theres that word again. Where the hell did i get that. All of a sudden someone went to blast my mate with fire that would most likely kill him andi lost it. I dont know how or why but i knew that in that moment he belonged to me. He was mine. And the bitch that was about to try and kill him had another thing coming. I felt my body shift as bones rearranged themselves. Suddenly i was on four legs instead of two. Yet, that didnt even phase me. There was just the bitch in front of me with a hand of fire about to try and attack my mate. And then i lunged at her.

Beccas pov:

I was with Amber trying to find a way to help Alec when Jess and some random guy- who i admit is quite attractive- came and she transformed into a assive wolff. Great now my best friend is a phsycho flee infested dog! Am i the only sane one left? Ive got the uniter on my right...another flee infested dog on her lap and about 50 witches fighting against my friend. My life is so weird. Amber was freaking out next to me and i uselessly dropped my hand on my lap. I had no idea what to do. Suddenly it felt really hot outside and i took of my jacket. It didnt help at all though and i was still burning up. I felt as though i would faint when i heard a voice in my head It is time child.

Suddenly a light flared in me and i was no longer tired. It was like some force was giving me energy. My hands moved without my consent and i placed them on alecs chest. Amber growled possesively at me but i looked at her and she gasped. My hands continued and i placed them over his heart. I felt it slightly beating. Acting on instinct i pushed my mind into his and looked for the source of problem. Not finding anything obvious i looked harder. I realized that they had obviously forced wolfsbane into his system and i growled in anger. How dare they do this? I didnt know what to do next. Amber suddenly gasped and i opened my eyes only to gasp as well. The fact that my hands were glowing a bright gold didnt faze me....no it was the fact that Alec opened his eyes and gasped for air sitting straight up...looking to be in perfect health gasping one word while looking at me that had my brain spinning "Healer."

Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Until next time.


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