First Talk

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You didn't see him for the rest of the day.
It is the end of the classes and you are ready to go home by walk.
"Can I drive you home?"
It is a hoarse voice probably from cigarette smoke.
"I know this voice" you thought
When you turn around to see what does going on you feel surprised.
It's him. You didn't know what to do.
"Come on don't be shy." He said.
"Thank you both, " you say, while he get into the car "we don't really know each other and people are going to talk about this."
"Let them talk. More they talk, the more fans we get. Right?"
You smile and very into the car too.
"I live in..." he didn't let you finish.
"I know where do you live. Sometimes I drive along the roads near your house just to see if you're home."
You smile.
He smiles back.
On the way to your house you talked a lot. You smile and laugh together.
"Here we are, "
"Thank you"
You get out of the car. You were reading to open your house door when he said.
"Hey, y/n! Tomorrow at 7 pm we could go on a date. What do you think?" "Tomorrow?"
"Yes, miss"
"What if Friday? Because it is in the middle of the week and do have school."
"To me it is ok"
"Ok see you tomorrow at school"

You get into your house with that stupid smile on your face (you know, that smile when you have feeling for someone). 
"What happen?" Ask your mother "I saw that a nice man brings you home. Who is he?"
"He is the new guy in town. He is from California."
"Really?! How sweet! What is his name?" "His name is Billy. Billy Hargrove."
"I guess I already heard that name." "Probably. Everyone is talking about him. Everyone days that he is a nas influence, but I want to give him a chance."
"You are so kind my love. I want to meet him ok?"
"Ok mom, you will I promise"
You run up to your room. 
"This is unbelievable! He asked me out! Me! He can have every single girl in this town and he asked me!" You are so happy and so in love.

That paper // Billy Hargrove ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now