2 of hearts

30 4 11


In all honesty the entire crowd experienced an emotional roller coaster. One minute they were bored, the next they were confused. Whoever this guy was made everyone slightly uncomfortable, wooyoung could tell.

"So how are we gonna bet our souls dude?" Yeosang asked sarcastically.

"Lose and you'll see."

"He can't be serious." Wooyoung said genuinely annoyed at this point.

"Can you tell us your name Mr. Creepy guy?" Mingi spoke up.


"Ah. Pretty cool name." A random guy from the silent crowd said.

Wooyoung turned his head to look up at "San."

"Where did you even come from? I've never seen you before." Wooyoung said.

"It's my first day."

"Okay so let's say we actually "bet our souls." What will happen if we lose?"

"You lose your soul silly boy."

"Okay, but what does that mean?"

"You'll be nothing more than a sack of flesh. No emotions. No feelings. No connection with anyone or anything. You'll walk and breathe, but you won't know anything or anyone. You'll still have a brain but it's almost like it won't work."

"So we'll turn into a zombie?" Yeosang asked still confused about the whole "soul" thing.

"No. You're not dead. Only your soul has left your body. Your heart still beats, your organs still function, you just won't be you."

"So basically we just won't have feelings."

"That's not all, but for the most part, yeah."

"Damn that's Yunho then. Did you steal his soul?" Wooyoung said jokingly.

"Haha. I don't know a Yunho, but I'm pretty sure he has feelings. He just doesn't show them like a lot of people. It's pretty normal."

"Eh. Only soul stealers think that's normal." Wooyoung joked again.

"Let's just start the game."

"So are we betting our souls boys?"

"What happens if you lose? We don't have the power to steal souls. Not that you do either, but hypothetically speaking haha."

"I'll disappear."


They agreed to the bet and began the game.


Mingi knew the cards, well papers, of everyone in the game, so he could kind of map out how the game might go. Yeosang and Wooyoung are friends so they'll try to send each other messages of their cards unless one of them is Cortes. Mingi didn't know San, so it was hard to tell how he'd act.

"Where have the Aztecs gone?"

"To save Tenochtitlan." The boys dryly responded.

The game immediately started with Yeosang throwing out a card that matched one of the cards in the middle.

"2 of clubs." He said laying the card face up on top of the other card.

San looked in both Wooyoung and Yeosang's direction. With just that look he made a bold statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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