Chapter 2: The Allies Ep 2

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Sarah Jane was about to tell Clyde to run and get back to Rani and Sky when the first slitheen said "I can smell a young boy with her, that soupy smell of them both,... love it!" Clyde pulled a face at Sarah Jane as she did the same to him. They both stepped from behind where they were hiding.

"What do you want with this planet Plasamalvs?" Sarah Jane demanded.
"We just want to see the Earth be blown up into smithereens. Also, to give you a message." One of the lemon looking beings stepped forward and whispered in her ear. "You shall suffer some, however you shall gain more. He will shall again, but you are more likely to stay alive for long time, longer than you should, with the same appearance." Sarah Jane looked confused but grateful too.

The slitheen were working at the controls to raise the shields around the ship. "We shall take the humans to our ship. You are of no use to us now, you can go." Each Slitheen grabbed Sarah Jane and Clyde and dragged them to their ship.


Rani and Sky stood at the screen as they saw Sarah Jane and Clyde being taken away by the slitheen and decided to get out of the ship before the Plasamalvs got to this ship first. If all of them were captured that would make things a lot more difficult.

Sky creeped out fist followed by Rani. They could see in the distance two big green figures walking away. "We should follow them but not closely otherwise we'll be taken with them." Rani told Sky. "Their sense if smell is highly developed so they'd be able to smell us from behind them."

The duo followed behind the aliens who had captured their friends. "How are we going to get mum and Clyde back?" Sky asked Rani. "We need a plan to get them back."
"I know. At least the Plasamalvs have gone." Rani answered.
"Wait. What are the Slitheen's weakness?" Sky suddenly had a light bulb idea.
"Vinegar. We could follow them to their... ship." Rani paused as they saw the Slitheen ship as Clyde and Sarah Jane were dragged inside. "Sky, we need to get some vinegar. Let's go. There's a chip shop near here." Rani and Sky ran to get some vinegar and hoped that they could get back to the ship on time before the Slitheen blew up Earth.


The Plasamalvs all segregated between the two ships. "We must stop the slitheen from destroying Earth and set our plan into action to destroy all life on Earth and the Plasamalvs shall live again, Placetzie II will be this disgusting planet's name!" Trixie cackled as they set off out of Earth's atmosphere and back around into the new Placetzie to kill the human race and the Slitheen.

The Slitheen placed Sarah Jane and Clyde at the side of their control room of their ship whilst they worked to hack into the UNIT's database to gain access to the Nuclear weapons. "Well Miss Smith, we haven't killed you or this soupy brat yet because we need you to get the Xylock to hack into UNIT's database for us to destroy your planet." One of the Slitheen said.

"Why would I do that? Why should we when you've done nothing for us?! All you have done is try to kill me, my friends, destroy this planet! So tell me why I should help you." Sarah Jane told the Slitheen nonchalantly.

"You will because if you don't-"

"Stop! Let Sarah Jane and Clyde go!" Rani shouted as she and Sky made their way into the ship. "Stand back! There's vinegar in this." Both held a bottle full of vinegar which was pointed at either Slitheen.

"We haven't been able to say this in a while... Let the hunt begin!" Bothe Slitheen raised their claws as they brought them down towards the four Sky and Rani squirted them with vinegar.

"Not again." Sarah Jane muttered in defeat as the they both exploded.

"Why? It always happens to me!" Clyde grumbled angrily. Sky looked disgusted, as did Rani.


"It looks like the Slitheen have failed. Their ship has powered down. The Earth is ours!" Trixie called out in triamph to Aslexiyl, the commander.

"Our new home is not yet ready. We must prepare for our time to live on this planet." Aslexiyl told his people. The Plasamalvs all rejoiced; they had found home.


"What happened to the Plasamalvs then?" Sky asked Sarah Jane.

"I don't know. I hope they've gone back home." Just as Sarah Jane finished her sentence they all saw a space shuttle landing which looked exactly like the Plasamalv's ship. "Or maybe they were planning their own invasion."

"That can't be good." Clyde spoke up as they ran to the ship. They saw Aslexiyl so they shouted up to talk to him.

"What are you doing?" Sarah Jane asked.

"This planet will be our home. Humanity will fall as the Plasamalv's rise to glory!"

"You can't destroy a whole race. That's genocide!" Sarah Jane yelled.

"We don't care! Besides, nothing will get in our way!"

"You leave me with no choice." Sarah Jane pulled out her sonic lipstick and aimed it at three ships controls. The ship began to spark but also fly upwards which seemed to move faster than light. They watched as the ship flew away then headed back to Sarah Jane's car. As they reached the car Sarah Jane stopped in inspect something on her arm. "Mum?" Sky asked yet Sarah jane still want paying any attention to her daughter. Rani and Clyde also noticed this.

"Sarah Jane are you OK?" Rani asked concerned about her friend. Eventually, Sarah Jane lifted her head.

"It's nothing just a scratch, nothing to worry about." She answered hastily. The others then saw the small amount of blood on Sarah Jane's upper arm.

As they got to Sarah Jane's, Sarah Jane wrapped a bandage around her wounded arm from where the Slitheen must of caught her. She noticed the three eyes watching her. "I'll be fine. Besides it doesn't hurt or anything." But Sarah Jane had no idea how wrong she was and what evil was to be unleashed.


Next time...

"She's burning up, I don't know what to do." Sky says on the phone.

Sarah Jane in a hospital gown, walking around the corridors with Rani.

"A doctor turning his patients into Aliens." Clyde says whilst talking to Sarah Jane, Sky and Rani in a hospital room.

Sarah Jane looking mortified. "No! That can't be true!"

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