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All she remembered was the force being sucked from them. Palpatine had taken their life force and Ben was thrown into a pit. She had battled Palpatine and ended him once and for all. But with a price. She knew she was dying. She knew that she would be leaving behind Finn and Poe, and Ben, who she only just had now. Her only regret was that she hadn't said goodbye. But she would die for them.

All she remembered was the eternal darkness. She didn't know whether she was in the afterlife. Was this where she would spend her death? An eternal condemnation from what she had done to her grandfather? Even if he was evil?

But just then, a light started to grow. It was miniscule, almost microscopic. It grew and grew untilー

She opened her eyes. It was him, looking over her. His long dark hair disheveled, a bruise under his eye forming, and a cut to his lip profusely bleeding, and still to her he looked as enchanting as the first time she ever saw him.

She was laying on his lap and she reached out to clasp his hand in hers. Feeling his arm around her, she heaved herself up with his help and she looked up at him in wonder. This was him. The destined prince of the galaxies, her light and dark. The man whom she loved. He was hers.


She had whispered it, but she knew. She knew that he understood all that was left unsaid. After years of fighting, of all the heartache, the betrayal, the distrust, the longing, it all came back to this. To them. It always seemed to end with them. And now that it was all over, they could finally be together. As one.

She lifted her hand tentatively and cupped his face, he did the same, as if he still couldn't believe that she was here. With him. That she was his.

She couldn't take it any longer, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. And it was as magical as she had imagined it to be. It was like the force dyad they both possessed was now flowing through them, strengthening their bond and making them one. one with each other. He kissed her deeply, pouring in all the desperation, longing, happiness, and love into one searing kiss. It was a kiss to last a lifetime, maybe forever.

They broke away and looked at each other. He was smiling. And he was angelic when he smiled. It was full of love, and directed to her, only for her. Her eyes shined with joy, until he faltered. His eyes were slowly losing its colour before he collapsed into her arms, lifeless.

"No! No Ben stay with me!" She shook him, and cupped his face as her tears spilled over his cheeks. "You can't leave me! I just got you! IーI just got you and nowーplease! Ben, I love you. Don't you dare leave me!"

She kept shaking him but she knew it was no use. He was gone. Her love was gone. And she had gone with him too. She let out a loud wail, almost inhuman, it reverberated around the large throne room and she knew whoever heard it would not forget the sound in their life. Her sobs wracked her body and she also knew she could be heard over the loud din of the celebrations of the resistance's victory.

She bowed her head and hugged him to her chest, sobbing into his neck. She breathed in his scent, mint with a hint of vanilla. She longed for him to say her name one last time, longed for that intensity that she had only ever seen in him. She longed for her lost love, the love she only just got, taken from under her almost as swiftly. Was the universe this cruel? Or was it simply them? After everything, didn't they deserve a happy ending? She never thanked their unlucky stars, and she never will. She could feel the force around them and she askedー no prayed, to heal him, to give him back to her, give him back to her, give him back to her, give him back to herー

And then she felt a hand, caressing her hair, and she lifted up her head andー his eyes were staring at her. His once lifeless eyes were now looking at her with the same look that was reserved only for her.

"Guess you finally took my hand." He said hoarsely and smiling. She laughed, an ugly sound from all the crying. And she knew she might look like a mess, but she didn't care right then, for all she cared about was him. "Yes, I guess I did." And she tackled him in a hug with all she had, bringing them both to the ground. He laughed, a sound she never even dreamed of hearing, and by God was it a beautiful laugh.

He turned to look at her, his fingers delicately tracing her lower lip. "From the very first moment I beheld you, my heart was truly and irrevocably gone." And then he leaned up and kissed her.

It was a kiss more enchanting than the last. It burned deep into her, taking every part of her body and melding it with his. And she knew it would always be like this for them.

"After all this time?"


"I want you to come with me." She said. "We can find and train padawans together. We'll continue the legacy of the jedi." She looked at him hopefully as doubts ran through her mind. It turned out her worries were unfounded.

He smiled. "You're not getting away from me that easily."

And that was the moment she knew they'd be okay.


When they left on Luke's X-Wing and landed in the resistance camp, Ben had not had a good welcoming to the rebellion, but after showing and explaining to the resistance fighters what had transpired, they had more or less accepted him, albeit a bit cautiously.

They had returned to Ahch-To to hide away Luke's lightsaber. Ben now wielded his mother's lightsaber and Rey had made a new one. This was also where they planned to train their new padawans.

They had explored their bond, finding new ways to incorporate their lives into it. The force had split Rey's soul into two and the other now resided in Ben, thus rendering them unable to be away from each other for so long, but that was okay. And to this day, as they stood looking at the distance in Tatooine, Ben and Rey Solo could now say that they had finally found the family that they were looking for, and that they wereーare happy.



After the beautiful disaster that is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, writing this was very therapeutic for me. I mean i am happy with it, its just WHY DID BEN HAVE TO DIE? Like you had them kiss so just be loyal with it and LET HIM LIVE. Also some characters (ehem, rose) didn't have their own closure wtf. Yup but at least they kissed. My reylo heart is now at peace.

The quotes "From the very first moment I beheld you, my heart was truly and irrevocably gone," is from pride and prejudice, with a few tweaks;
"You're not getting away from me that easily." -Annabeth Chase, PJO, and;
"After all this time?" and "Always." -Dumbledore and Snape, HP.

I do not own Star Wars (sadly) and I also do not control the outcome of TROS, thats J.J. Abrams (even more sadly).

Added Note!

This has been edited and new lines have been added, although only few.

This is also posted in my ao3 account, mellowrama. Thanks for reading and I hope you like this! please share!

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