The Pact🙏💞

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We walk into this mysterious dirty cave with the smell of wet dog. Only to walk into the most beautiful clear fresh land Oda uf the land of wolves. Also known as the guardians of the angel's protector knights of the pure beauty and innocence of the powerful peacemakers of the world.

"Wes, what is this place?" I asked mesmerized of the beauty of the land Oda uf.

Beautiful forest of bright colors, wonderful smells of flowers and clear waters this is definitely paradise.

"I will explain later first we should treat your friend he might not have much time," said Wes with a worried look on his face.

"Why do you say that," said Moon ex holding Slash's arm to keep him up standing Moon ex at her worried limit.

Wes takes us to a wide long house with other people inside treating werewolves wounds. Moon ex extremely worried lays Slash down on a bed. Moon ex sits down next to Slash holding his hand. Sam sitting next to Moon ex worried and sorry.

"Ann come with me," said Wes.

Ann follows Wes to a campfire out in the open. Ann looks around at all the other beautiful werewolves all in wolf form black, white and spotted all different beautiful fur and all get along and don't cast one out what great peace I wish I had in Tesa thought Ann.

"Ann I am a pure born werewolf so I am in no harm. But Slash was human before he got bitten and pure werewolves bite can be poisonous it can kill like how it can also turn him into one of us" said Wes concerned about Slash.

"Oh no, we have to do something do you guys have a cure," said Ann trembling her words as she said them.

"no all we can do is wait and be patient," said Wes with a sorry look on his face.

"Okay," said Ann worried.

"By the way, my names Wes Kent leader of Oda uf white wolf guardian we believe in peace, although there are places that don't like Ado ow the land of werecats, they believe in stealing and harming others," said Wes.

Very loud howling like an emergency bell a werewolf screams.

"Help!!!" screams.

Ann without thinking spreads her white big wings flying straight to the screams only to see an enormous black wolf about to attack Sam.

"Sam!!!" screamed Ann saving her from the wolf.

"Stop, what are you doing?!!" screamed Ann at the wolf with a very angry face, fierce pure bright red eyes sparkling fangs pop out sharp hissing like a cat walking side to side wings spread wide open in a round circle almost like on prey attack mode.

The wolf responds roaring loudly on an attack stance.

Ann and the wolf start to fight the wolf scratching Ann. And Ann piercing her wings into the shoulders of the wolf.

"Ann stop!" said Moon ex coming out of the big wide house with a wound on the side of her forehead.

"Ann is Slash...Slash Hammer! screamed Moon ex to Ann very scared.

Ann stops and backs away.

Wes just getting to the fight late since Ann left him behind a while ago. Wes transforms into an enormous white wolf barks very loudly in front of Slash Hammer and Slash bows and then turns back to his actual form. Wes being the Alpha of Oda uf there's no way Slash wolf would take on Wes.

Though weirdly for a new wolf he should be a Beta he is a newborn Alpha thank the angels he does not know that but one day he will know he has such great strength one day he will be a great leader.

All the wolves surrounding Ann Pire with wowed eyes some even bowing at the glorious bright white wings.

"Sorry Ann we treasure angels here," said Wes happy to see the wings also.

"Ann did you know that you are an angel?" asked Wes.

"Me an angel, I thought I was a vampire because of my white long locks pale white skin and red eyes," said Ann confused.

Although I bled white and not red or black thought, Ann.

"Ann your a vampire angel a new race your a Vamp Gel the first of her kind," said Moon ex very excited in knowing that Ann was always special.

Everyone bowing at the scene of a real-life myth story of angels.

"Ann how are you a vampire though, "asked Sam curiously.

"I don't know I wish I knew my mother abandoned me at Nilvay but I was never bitten just born like this," said Ann sadly thinking about the past.

"Ann, you're a pure Vamp Gel, do you know what it means, It mean that you are very powerful," said Wes very excited.

All wolves kissing Ann's hand and saying we are saved the prophecy is true a vampire angel will come one day to ask for our help in the great battle to save us all from evil and the end of the world.

"Please Ann let me be your guardian wolf it would be an honor," said Wes smiling.

"Sure...this is what angels do right but I must confess that my past is not all good," said Ann with an okay face.

All wolves talk about the pact.

"Ann we have to do a ceremony to do the pact," said Wes explaining.

Ann nods in understanding.

Wolves arranging everything seats, meals, fur clothing, and flower decorations almost look like a wedding Ann dressed with a fur black long dress hair curled into a bun no shoes lips red eyes colored black almost dripping down to her cheeks. The man walks first and stands and waits the women walks to the man and says her vows.

"I, Ann Pire Vamp Gel of my first kind take Wes Kent as my forever till end wolf guardian I will fight by you in the greatest wars to come I accept you Alpha wolf guardian Wes Kent," said Ann.

"I, Wes Kent take Ann Pire as my master angel the first of her kind Vamp Gel I will protect you till the end, I will fight alongside you my Queen' said Wes.

Wes transforms leaving three scratch mark lines on her hand almost like a tattoo and finally, the pact was made the first Vamp Gel found her first knight.

Vamp Gel: The Odysseyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن