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Hey guys so am going to be naming the sister Ava, okay that's all I had to say so enjoy the image bye😇
~y/n POV~ I was sleeping peacefully when I was awoken by my alarm, I grabbed my phone and I checked what time it was and it read 6:00 so I decided to wake up my sister
Y/n:"hey Ava wake up"
Y/n:"Ava hello wake up"i said a little louder while shaking her a bit
A:"ugh...five more minutes"she said in a sleepy voice
Y/n:"no Ava now we don't have time hurry up"I said while looking at her small figure
A:"okay okay.... i'll wake up"she said Half awake
After that she went to her room, after she closed my door I went straight to my bathroom to shower,brush my teeth, and hair
~30 minutes later~
I was all changed I was to lazy and tired to put make up on so I decided not to put some on, I checked my phone to see the time and I still had time we had to leave and get there at 7 so I decided to get all my things ready for the plane ride, after I was done with that I went down stairs to eat something when I was at the kitchen I saw my mom and my sister eating I grabbed a bowl and grabbed (your favorite cereal) and milk I was eating then I was done a couple minutes later, I went back upstairs to grab my things to get them to the car, we where all in the car on are way to the airport I took a nap
~20 minutes later~
I was awoken by my mom
M:"hey y/n sweet heart where here"she said in her sweet voice
Y/n: "oh okay"I said in my sleepy voice
( you did all the thing's you do when you get to the airport )
We bored the plane and I got the seat that was next to the window, my mom was next to me and next to my mom was my sister, it's was a couple minutes before the plane stared to move then we where in the sky i was kinda sacred for a second but that went away seconds later, I can't wait to get there my aunt my moms sister was going to be waiting for us at the New Jersey,I was really excited and sad at the time I had mixed feeling my thoughts were later interrupted by my mom
M: "hey sweetie you okay"she said in a concerned way
Y/n: "yeah mom everything is okay"I said reassuring her I was okay... but at this point i don't know what I was feeling
M: "okay sweetie whatever you"say she said with a smile then turned to my sister
I went back to my thoughts when I was getting tired then I took a short nap then I dozed to sleep

Hey!! Hope you liked it am sorry for any mistakes hope you have a good day bye😇

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