Chapter 2: Showdown - Mameko's Quirk

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When the class was in the training hall, Aizawa called up all of them, including their new classmate - Momo Mameko. He held certain papers in his hands which he was observing.

"Mameko-san," he said, "your papers show that you were one of the best students in your class."

"Yes, Sensei," Momo said.

"I see the characteristics of your quirk described here," Aizawa said. "It sounds interesting. Mind demonstrating your skills before we assign you to a specific training area?"

"Oh, sure!" Momo shrugged. "What should I do?"

"I'd like you to have a duel with one of our top students," - Aizawa gave her a significant look, - "so that I get the idea of your abilities. The best match-up for you to demonstrate your full potential would be... Katsuki Bakugō."

"Huh?!" The entire class widened their eyes.

Bakugō was no less bewildered. He must fight this newcomer midget?

"Yes, Katsuki Bakugō," Aizawa repeated, noticing the students' surprise. "Bakugō has nearly the same grades as you," he turned to Momo, "and his quirk is the Explosion. Since your quirk is the Impact, it'd be an interesting duel. Your prowess would be visible."

"Explosion?! You mean like, he can make things explode?" Momo's eyes brightened for an unknown reason. "That's a blast! Alright then..." She grinned at the astounded Bakugō and made her finger-joints crack. "Let's do this, Bakugō-san!"

"Hmph, prepare to die!" Bakugō snarled. Who did this pinkie think she was, looking down on him like that?!

The battleground was set for the duelers. Aizawa and the students watched them from nearby. Izuku, Ochako, and the others were perturbed. They had known Bakugō for a long time now, so they knew he wouldn't hold back, especially after being provoked by Momo.

"Will she be alright?" Ochako asked with worry.

"Sensei, why Kacchan of all people?" Izuku looked up at Aizawa. "There are many other top-graders in our class!"

"Her quirk, Impact, is a good match-up against the Explosion," Aizawa said. "She can change the impact of blows when she comes in direct contact with them. What's more, there was once a man with a similar type of quirk, and coincidentally, bore the same surname. He was also from the same country. The way Mameko-san works with explosions, I'll deduce whether my assumption is right."

"Huh? W-What do you mean?" Izuku stammered.

"Nothing," Aizawa said. "It's a matter to be discussed by us, teachers. You needn't worry about it. Just watch for now."

Izuku stared at his teacher in confusion but then concentrated on the upcoming duel. 

The way Aizawa Sensei talked just now... Is there something more to Mameko-san?  He thought. The same surname and the same quirk? Mameko... Impact... I must've heard about it somewhere if it's so significant as to stir up Aizawa Sensei!

"Well then, begin!" Aizawa cried to the duelists.

"You don't have to ask me twice!" Bakugō grinned.

He dashed at Mameko, ignited his hands and blasted her. Surprisingly for everyone, Mameko didn't dodge but didn't get hurt either. She met the blast head-on.

"Impact: Repulse!" she cried.

Once her fingertips collided with the blast, it returned to Bakugō doubly as hard. Caught by surprise, Bakugō failed to dodge and was sent flying by his explosion.

"Eh?!" The students gasped in shock.

"Ugh, you jerk!" Bakugō snarled. "Die!"

He came blasting on again. Mameko didn't get scared, although sweat poured down her forehead (she figured she was up against a tough enemy). She began repulsing and dodging Bakugō's attacks, either directing them against him or avoiding them. Using the Impact blows with her feet, she moved through the air, which allowed her to remain out of the range of Bakugō's blasts. Bakugō proceeded with more caution so that his quirk wouldn't get back at him again. 

"Wow, she's able to keep up with Bakugō!" Ochako said.

"Amazing!" Tsuyu said.

"That I call a girl! She's tough." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"Kacchan... I can't believe she's giving him a hard time!" Izuku said. 

Yet, Momo had a weakness - even though she possessed grand potential and no less intelligence to follow up with her quirk, she was undertrained. It seemed that the school in her country wasn't as tough as the U.A. Bakugō was able to pin her down, taking advantage of her mistake. Mameko wanted to repulse at a certain point, but she missed the exact location and Bakugō's blast passed through, shooting her off with a grander impact than he had created. Because of her mistake, Mameko's quirk backfired on her.

"Ah!" she cried. She fell to the floor, heavily wounded. 

"Tch, what a pain!" Bakugō wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. 

"Ah, Mameko-chan!" the students cried.

They wanted to run up to her but Aizawa stopped them and called the medical unit to take her to Recovery Girl. While Mameko was being taken out on a stretcher, Aizawa told her:

"Thank you, Mameko-san! You're strong, indeed. You shall rest today. Tomorrow, we'll begin with your training."

Mameko weakly smiled. She nodded and closed her eyes, relaxing on the stretcher. The medics took her away.

"Just as I suspected..." Aizawa said. "She didn't know about Bakugō's strategies but defended well against his explosions. She has experience dealing with them."

Izuku heard Aizawa's words. He glanced at Bakugō, who left the place sulking, with his hands in his pockets. 

Yeah, there's something up here. He thought. Aizawa Sensei's right, the way Mameko-san defended against explosions almost seemed like she was familiar with them. Even before the match started, she was overjoyed when she heard Kacchan's quirk was the Explosion. No, I can't leave it like this. Impact... Mameko... I must do the necessary research!

A Villain's Daughter - a Hero (Rose Flame, Book 1) [BNHA] (OC x Dabi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now