The way of the ninja

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   In a village, Nya and her older brother, Kai are working in their blacksmith.
    "Why won't my swords come out right!" Nya yelled frustrated.
    "You're too impatient. Wait for the metal to cool a bit before dunking it in water." Kai said.
    "Ugh. Easy for you to say Oh patient one." Nya retorted.
   Kai sighed. He moved to where Nya was working.
    "I'll take over. How bout you go and sort out the weapons." Kai said.
    Nya huffed but moved away anyway.
    A moment later an old man entered the shop.
    "All things for a samurai. But nothing for a ninja?" He asked.
    "Ya gonna get something? Or else you can leave" Nya said irritated.
    "Nya! That's not the way you speak to your elders." Kai scolded.
    Nya only rolled her eyes.
    "And I thought I would find someone important here." The old man huffed and he turned around and walked out of the store.
    "Someone?" Kai said.
    "Ignore him. He must be insane." Nya said before going back to what she was doing.
    Kai sighed at his sister. She has always been a hothead. Both of them were but Nya has always been the worst.
    Suddenly the sky turned dark and the sound of vehicles rumbled.
    Kai and Nya were both alert.
    The sound of vehicles only got louder and soon strange vehicles were parked in front of the shop.
    The riders stepped off to reveal that they were skeletons.
    Kai quickly grabbed a sword and a helmet.
    "Nya stay here." Kai said before running off to see what the skeletons wanted.
    Nya being the rebellious girl she was grabbed a sword and ran out to join her brother.
    "What are you doing here? What do you want?" Kai questioned the skeletons.
    "We are here for you and the map to the golden weapons!" Their leader said. He then barked orders to the other skeletons and a hand shot out to grab him. Luckily he dove out of the way.
    Kai turned behind to see his sister running to him.
    "I thought I told you to stay inside!" Kai shouted.
    "Did you really think I would stay!" Nya shouted back.
    "Hate to interrupt but we are here for the map and the boy. Skeletons! Attack!" The leader shouted.
    "Yes lord Samukai!" The skeletons replied before jumping into action.
    The siblings fought back to back protecting each other. One skeleton got a lucky blow to Kai that made him fall onto his back. The skeleton was about to grab him but was blocked by Nya.
    "No way I'm letting you take my brother!" Nya shouted. She then ran straight at the skeleton. The skeleton knew exactly what she was going to do and sidestepped making her fall on her face.
    "Too slow girly." He made fun of Nya.
    Nya growled before getting back up and lunging at the skeleton. The skeleton then sidestepped but this time he picked her up and threw her against a water tower. It was about to fall onto her when a purple tornado swept her away. The tornado revealed to be the old man earlier.
    "Nya!" Kai shouted. He was about to run ro her when he was blocked by a skeleton. Kai growled and tried to move around it.
    "We got the map! Now get the boy!" Samukai shouted. He was waving a roll of paper in his hands which Kai assumed was the map.
    All the skeletons all focused on Kai and closed in on him.
    "Kai!" Nya shouted. This distracted Kai from protecting himself.
   The skeletons took advantage of this and knocked Kai over the head. Kai fell to the floor unconscious.
    "Kai!" Nya shouted and ran at the skeletons. The old man also made a move to stop the skeletons from taking Kai away but Nya blocked him with her sword without herself knowing.
    The skeletons had taken Kai and was on their way to the underworld.
With Nya
    "NOO! KAI! Kai!" Nya shouted. She tries to catch up to the skeletons but tripped on a crack in the floor and fell.
    Nya now on the floor and her anger now dissipating is now crying. She had now lost her entire family. Kai being the only one left.
    "If you join me you can get your brother back." The old man from earlier said all of a sudden startling her.
    Seeing the old man her anger now returned. She got up and stomped her way to the man.
    "Why didn't you stop them!" Nya now angry crying.
    "Now if I remember right you were the one that distracted your brother and held me back from helping him." He said.
    Nya now remembering that she did indeed stop the man from helping and realised that she was the one that distracted Kai, started crying again. She sank to the floor.
    After a few minutes of awkward crying in front the man, Nya remembered the man's question.
    "How can I get my brother back?" She asked her voice croaky from crying.
    "Follow me." He said.
    He started walking away. Nya now interested followed the man.
    "Where are we going? How do I know that you're not just some creepy old kidnapper?" Nya asked.
    "We are going to train you to become a ninja. As for your other question, My name is Sensei Garmadon. I teach the art of spinjitsu. That is how we are going to get your brother back." The man now Sensei Garmadon said. However his explanation only created more questions. Which were answered on the way.
(The route is easier than the one Kai took when they were going to the monastery.)
The monastery
    "You're gonna teach me to fight here? Theres nothing here?" Nya asked.
    "Things are not always what it seems." Sensei Gamadon said.
    He pushed a button which was on a dragon head.
    Training equipment sprouted from the floor. Nya's eyes widened at the sight.
    "Woah Cool!" Nya gushed.
    "Your first training is to get through this training course before I finish my tea." Sensei Garmadon said.
   "What? How can I finish this? Aren't you gonna teach me?" Nya asked.
    "I have finished my tea. You fail. Try again tomorrow." Sensei Garmadon said. He looked at Nya one last time and smirked at her before closing the doors behind him.
    Nya gaped at the now closed doors. She looked around the place.
    "Well time to practice." She said cracking her knuckles. She spent the time from then to dinner practicing again and again. She was determined to get her brother back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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