The new girl at the BAU

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A/N- Hey reader this is a criminal minds spencer reid fanfic i hope you enjoy but minor curse words in some areas so read at you own risk and DECLAIMER!- CRIMINAL MINDS ISNT MINE

It was 12:00 Am... midnight. I awoke again the night sky flooding my room as I forgot AGAIN to close my darn curtains. I turn my small lamp on illuminating the room. It wasn't much. Just a nightstand, vanity,dresser and a bed. I had to get back to sleep so i went into my bathroom opening my medicine cabinet. And took the white bottle out of the cabinet. Sleeping pills. My mother never knew i stole them from her room. I had to get to sleep i had school in the morning. I took two pills and went back to bed closing my eyes.


It wasn't even 6:30 and my mother woke me up. I usually got up at 7:30 but my mother rushed me over to ur neighbors to invite the neighbor boy over for breakfast. I felt bad for him his name was Spencer and his mom was a schizophrenic and right now she was in the hospital. Since it is never cold in Nevada I went over to his home in my tank top; forgetting I was seeing a boy. When he opened the door he look shocked, staring at my chest a bit. I said "Spence, look up at my face." I was very annoyed. He mumbled his apologies and invited me in. I rejected the offer and instructed him to come over for breakfast as my mother ordered. He and I were the smartest kids in our senior class.

My mother went the whole nine yards that breakfast. Something she never did. Eggs,waffles even cinnamon rolls, my Fathers favorite. My mother never made his favorites, ever since the divorce he asked for. He cheated on my mother and got the woman pregnant. So now he has a new daughter name Ellis. He has not seen my face since I was eight. That was when he left. Spencer smiled and ate silently as my mother and I said grace. As we were my sister Rose came down. Rose is 20 and annoying. She had her ombre blue hair in a bun and half her clothes off. She pissed me off a lot. I was a middle child my other sister Maddi was slowly coming down the stairs she was 14 and was moving in with dad next summer,on her birthday.


4YRS LATER.......................

Im finally 22 today! Saying goodbye to my mother as i leave to work in the BAU somewhere else than where I am.



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