T W E N T Y- F I V E

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Your still on ft with jake
Jake:ok so let's get to know each other better so tell me about your family
Me: umm ok so I have to siblings I'm the middle child my younger sister is called Cynthia and my older brother is called Alvaro my dad died two days ago
Jake:OMG I'm so sorry
Me:it's ok dw
Jake:one sec gtg
End of call

You go on tiktok

(The first One)
He captioned it: lmao I'm just waiting for vic to come over

Georgeromaro:have funnn 💖
Alejandrozario:we will

Wes10:umm wtf
Alejandrozario:jUsT hAnGiNg OuT wItH mY fRiEnDs

J4st3r:@Georgeromaro: can't wait to hang out
Georgeromaro:me either !

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Georgeromaro:I wish you didn't live so far away @j4st3r :((


Tiktokroom:are you cheating on Alex
Georgeromaro:no df

Kairiiscool:this is crazy

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Authors note please read
This is a short chapter but on whale
Word count 166

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