Emily's life

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               Hey my name is Emily. Yep just Emily. You see its because my parents didn't want me so they put me up for adoption automatically after they named me. They didn't want me because they were drunk when it happened. They don't want to be reminded of there mistakes is what I was told everyday at the adoption place.  The place i'm at is Haggard's place. Its a place where kids with no parents go.  The person in charge, Ms. Haggard a gotten this place through her family but she didn't want because shes ashamed of her last name. She tried to change it so many times but can't. Ms. Haggard doesn't like kids either so she tires to get rid of the little kids quickly. I have had many people wanting to adopt me but then they didn't want to and I didn't know why.

                  People here like to bully me too. I don't know why. They called me worthless, a waste of space, disgusting and many weird things and they never told me why. One time I woke up to someone cutting my hair and they orphanage couldn't do anything about or didn't want to do anything about it.

                    Though I then figured out that the staff talked about me behind my back to the other kids telling them all about me and then making up lies. One time someone wanted to adopt me and I happen to ease drop on them and Ms. Haggard. 

                     Ms. Haggard told them so many lies about how I'm a druggie and i drink all the time and I couldn't believe her. Why would she tell them that and then she started talking about how I was born and my parents didn't want me! Ms. Haggard couldn't do that its against the rules!

                     One day someone new wanted to adopt me and Ms. Haggard finally gave up and let them adopt because it was around Christmas?

                      A/N Sorry for the scenes in this. This was how I wanted to write my backstory so sorry!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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