XV : Part Three

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A/N:- I really wonder why everyone thinks poor Andy is the stalker. Remember the letter hasn't been sent, yet? And what about Spencer?

Just chill!!! Anyway, y'all might be right. Who knows?

Let's just seat, relax and watch the drama unfold.

P.S:- The comments by eniolarafiu and especially Toinpre has been so hillarious and beautiful. Thank you so much for your unnending support.

P.P.S:- Ahhh!!! It's just a day to Christmas. Hope you're done with all of your Christmas shopping?!!

Btw, I know you'll have a lovely celebration.

Enough of the chit-chat, here we go!


++ Unedited ++

Chapter 15 / Overhear 3

"Strange but truely, words heard always have the greatest impact on our minds, souls and feelings."


The minute the word 'Spencer' passed through both of her lips, her heartbeat quickened.

Beads of sweat start forming on her forehead. Her throat suddenly turns very dry as soon as the taste in her mouth turns sour.

At once, her hands trembled, causing the little paper to slip right through her shivering fingers.

Even her body cowered in fearful astonishment.

Spencer?! The note?! How did he find her location?

First the stalker? Now Spencer?

In the midst of the adrenaline of chaotic emotions that sparked through her - at once, was the return of her initial imminent suspicions about Spencer.

But how could he have done all he did while stuck behind bars? Or did her have an agent - outside - assisting him with all the dirty work?

Could that agent be Andy? Was this note indicating the return of Spencer, just to get her life over and done with? Or has he been released ever since, but waited for the perfect timing - which appeared to be now?

What if Spencer was just a pawn in Andy's hand? And what if all these shenanigans had been planned by them both to make her - absolutely - go nuts?

All of this was just so confusing for poor Melissa!

Then before she knew it, certain abberant yet familiars scenes start appearing before her very eyes.

They appear one after the order, in a sequential manner.

First she sees herself running away from Spencer, with every form of strength in her. Her hands swung in full force as soon as her legs picked up each heavy gallop.

Not suprising, he didn't fail to keep up his pace too. Probably, with more superlative agility.

Then - as a result of a firm grip on her arm - she sensed Spencer's body abaft hers.

Sooner than later, she felt a full fist punch on her head. One that makes her entire body stagger so much that it finds rest on the nearby brown wall.

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