DangerousLove prompt - Locked up

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I groaned, rolling over onto my back. 

I rubbed my eyes, opening them, but seeing nothing. 

I struggled to sit up, my back leaning against the cold stone wall. 

I tried to remember what had happened, how I got here, while my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. 

I slowly started to be able to make out more and more of the room. 

The air was cold, damp, heavy. I guessed I was in a basement. There was a stairway that led to a large metal door. The rest of the room was empty... Well, almost empty. 

There was something next to me a shapeless blob. 

I crawled towards it, studying it carefully. As I looked at it, I realized it... It was moving. Slowly rising up and down. 

I reached out for it and poked it. It was soft and warm and it took my foggy mind a few moments to realize. It was a human. 

There was another person here. The person grumbled and rolled over. I jumped back, not knowing who this person was. As they sat up, I saw their face... His face. His eyes opened slowly. He looked at me weakly, an attempt of a grin on his face.

'Who are you?' He croaked. It was obvious he had been here a while. His hair was a mess, his shoes were stained, his watch was cracked and the dust on the jacket of his suit was draped over his lap to keep him warm. I eyed him warily, debating how much I should tell him about myself. I had no idea who he was or where he came from. It was obvious he had a lot of money. The expensive watch and shoes and perfectly tailored suit told me all I needed to know.

'I'm... I'm Nora... Who are you?' He stretched his arms, in an attempt to get rid of some of the stiffness in his muscles.

'The name's Jack.' He held out his hand which I hesitantly took, instead of shaking it, like I had expected him to, he took lifted up my hand, pressing his lips against it. My cheeks turned a bright red and I suddenly found myself thankful for the darkness. I cleared my throat, attempting to keep myself together.

'So... You wouldn't happen to know why we're here and who put us here, would you?' Jack let out a humorless chuckle.

'Why? Are you scared of the unknown?' I shook my head, a slight frown on my face.

'No... Well, I do like to know what's going on, but figuring those things out is the first step to getting out of here.' Again, he let out a chuckle, again it was devoid of any humor at all.

'Trust me... I've tried... It's no use.' He sighed. 'You should embrace the fact you don't know... Trust me... I do and in this case, knowing is a hell of a lot more terrifying than not knowing.' 


496 words

Song: Lovely - Billie Eilish

Hope you enjoyed! 

Lots of love, 


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