Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV
Swike and I were sitting down at a table in a cafe to discus 'work'. I had never really qualified what I did on YouTube as work, it was a hobby in my mind. That's how I thought about it, that is, until I met Sarah. When she became my manager, everything had really sunk in. What I was doing on YouTube was more than a hobby, I had my own manager, it was a job.

When I first met Sarah Weichel, I was worried that she was going to be just another person I had to deal with, just another company representative that I would have to negotiate with. Little did I know, this woman would become one of my closest friends. When I first met her, I had thought about how attractive she was, although I quickly ended all of those thoughts when I realized that she was quite a bit younger than I was. At that point , she was around 22/23 years old, even though we only had a 4 year difference, it felt really big to me.

Sarah, I learned, was a natural leader. She was the boss, no question about that. Whether it was big decisions, or little ones, like ordering food, she made the final choice. She was a great manager because of it, she knew how to keep us 'crazy YouTubers' in line. Her strictness had resulted in her signature catch phrase : "No".

We had just sat down, and Swike had already pulled out her laptop.

"Okay, so we have to decide on which conventions you're going to." She said, getting right down to business.

"Can't I go to all the ones I'm invited to?" I asked, innocently.

Swike looked up at me and gave me on of her signature stares and said simply "No."

I looked at her for a second longer than I probably should have. Holding her stare for just a little bit. I don't know why I did, it was an instinct. I couldn't possibly have feelings for her.

Later that night, I laid in my bed, staring into the dark, up at my ceiling. I lay there thinking about the day. I did that often, just to reflect on everything. But this time was different. I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah. I knew that it was wrong and completely unprofessional, but I couldn't help it. I had the image of her green eyes staring into mine. I eventually got rid of those thoughts and fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, she was the first thing in my mind.

This wasn't good... This could ruin everything...


Hey!! I hope you enjoyed this! I'm really pumped to write some Swarto, cuz I ship that shit like craaazy!

This fic probably won't be very smutty (if at all). But stay tuned you guys, I could change my mind.. Idk.

Thanks so much for reading!

Please leave a comment, if you did. Or even if you didn't! Constructive criticism is allowed!

Thanks !!


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