The Beast (Short Story)

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The winter mist grew like a blinding fog. Acting as a blinder, blocking my view of whatever terrifying, vicious Creature that haunts my surroundings. As it swept away, I heard a startling and strange noise that seemed to surround me. Growing louder and louder as I try harder to ignore it. It rang in my ears for what seemed like a century. It was the foul Beast approaching steadily as the fog seemed to recede. The breathtaking wretched smell of its fur and breath almost drove me insane. It smelled of sulfur and death. This Beast was not earthly. Its footsteps became louder as I tried to run only to fall over a long, twisting tree root. I looked up to see a noose hanging on this ghastly creation. Seeing the noose, I was instantly puzzled. Racking my brain to figure out what this could mean. I thought and I thought until my head hurt. My mind grew foggy. I suddenly forgot everything. The Beast. Me running from it. It all slipped away, and I found myself standing in pure darkness. In the darkness, a slight chill began to work its way up my spine. Every hair on my body stood up. My blood ran cold. Paralysis ran through my body. My legs felt weak, but I still stood, for what seemed like forever. All was quiet, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong here. The gates I stood in front of were Gothically black. Old and spiked at the top. This place screamed danger. I was frightened, but I couldn't run. I couldn't get my legs to move at all. I was forced to watch as the tall gates open slowly. I was overcome by fear. Suddenly, I began to move. But it wasn't me moving. Slowly and unwillingly, forward I went into terror. I tried to stop, but it was as if someone was controlling my body. My fear grew as I continued to inch closer to the fully opened gates. My skin began to burn, as an overwhelming heat radiated from an unknown source beyond the gates. And the sulfur smell came back. Along with the smoke. I could hear the crackling of fire. And anguished screams surrounded my ears. Between the sickening smell of sulfur, and the unbearable screams, I remembered the Beast. Lurking over me, breathing into my face. Everything seemed so unreal. But it was. This was reality. And it was Hell. Looking back 3 months to when I ran into that bizarre elderly woman, I know now I should've headed her warnings when she said, "On the darkest night, Hell will come. Be wary my girl, be cautious. Be prepared." Her words ran through my head. If only I had listened, but what could I have done to allude this fowl Creature. Every attempt to kill, lose the Monster, had failed, and my fate was of its choosing. No matter what I did. I knew what would happen. Fate was inevitable. My life or its. It was an easy choice. The Beast would kill me to save itself. The vision I had just seen, would soon be my own reality. I came to a stop at a red door. I tried to look up, but I couldn't. As I looked at the door, a shadow fell over me and I suddenly lost my desire to look up. This shadow had goat horns and towered over me. Breathing on my neck in rage. I could feel its breath scorching my neck. Its body radiating enough heat to make my body perspire, more than any gym class. Satan was behind me, and I was about to spend eternity with Him.

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