The beginning

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Julia is the daughter of the greatest hero ever. He is most powerful ,loved and hopeful man you could ever meet, or he was at least until The Reaper and the brave hero fought in a dangerous battle and took his life. Of course her Dad wasn't the only hero and a lot of people had power thanks to an explosion of a lab that studied all kinds of chemicals that could possibly be the cure to many diseases.One thing Julia had to worry about that nobody else had to worry about is her superpower.Julia's superpower which she inherited was like no other she inherited a power called Alchemy Magic.Alchemy Magic is a combination of Black Magic and an Alchemy superpower.The power is inherited by her mom and her hero father,the Black Magic is her mother's and the Alchemy one was her fathers.If course she was expected to be the next Legend but at the moment in her life that's not what she wanted. Julia didn't know what she wanted and it's not that she hated saving people or that she was scared for her life it's just that if she becomes a hero she will never be able to have a normal life she'd have to worry about putting her loved ones in danger so decided to not become a hero. Obviously school wasn't going to be the best thing in her life. She is in 9th grade and she will have to go to a certain school so that she obtains the knowledge needed to succeed in the job that she wants.One day her homeroom teacher Mr.Kamen assigned a presentation so the students can decide there future and of course Julia is going to have trouble so she decides after class to talk to her teacher for advice.

After class

Julia waits for her classmates to leave so she can speak with her teacher but Chris, irritating enemy, stands in the door way staring at her, "Hey Loser, what are you even doing here. Shouldn't you be going home." says the ignorant bully. Julia is all of a sudden wide eyed as she stands there, a nervous wreck of course most off the class knows about her power and expect her to be a hero and everyone who was power is becoming a hero vut if they find out she is not becoming a hero what will they think of her then. "Ummm..... -

I hope you liked the first part of my book of course if short because I wanted Julia to have a backstory so my reader (you guys) know what's going so of course the next chapter will be where we left off and for almost every chapter I will use my own art about the book but for know I don't got anything anyways I hope you enjoyed it so far, Merry Christmas!

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