Chapter 1 (✔)

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"How many times do I have to tell you no Armin?" I said to the boy with blonde hair next to me. We were walking home from the arcade that was about a ten minute walk away from my house and he would not let up about this stupid camp.

"C'mon Eren. I've gone every year since I was like... ten. Mikasa is going too. She went last year and had fun, which proves that you will too." He tried to convince me. I didn't really want to go. I had a nice enough time sitting at home, bored and alone, catching up with my best friend Netflix.

"Is Jean going?" I asked, avoiding his previous point that he had made. He sighed and I looked over at him as he slumped while he walked.

"Does that matter? It's not like we would hang out with him if he did," He sighed quietly, a hand ruffling through his hair. I was not about to go to the same camp as some horse face jerk who smells like one too.

"No." I said bluntly and walked forward, passing him to get across the street. He quickly followed and glanced up at me.

"Eren--" I cut him off with a hand.

"Armin, I would rather choose not to go and ruin your time and Mikasa's by having a fight with Jean." All Jean and I ever did when we were together was fight, so it was never a good time for anyone, but it was always Jean to start it. I mean, I may or may not have started a few, but that doesn't matter.

He kept quiet, taking in the point I made across to him, but he then pipped back up. For the rest of the way home, we bickered back and forth about why I should or should not go. I was too busy arguing with Armin, that I hadn't noticed the strange car in my driveway that I had never seen before.

I opened the door and stepped inside my house, closing the door behind my friend. "For the last time Armin, I do not want to go to your stupid -" I stopped as I noticed my mother and another strange looking man sitting in the living room. I glanced over at Armin who shrugged and I turned back to my mother. "Camp..." I finished the sentence that I had cut off. "Uhh... who's this?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the man sitting on a chair as he smiled at me.

"This is Brandon. He and his nephew were here visiting. Brandon had to bring me a couple of things his wife wanted to give to me. He actually runs the summer camp that I presume you and Armin were arguing about?" My mother said from the couch that she sat on as she waited for my answer.

I looked at Armin who shifted uncomfortably and I turn back to my mother with a shrug. "Uh yeah... He was actually just trying to convince me to go with him this year," I answered and we moved over and sat on the couch.

"And did you agree?" The man, Brandon, asked me. Kind of creepily might I add.

I shook my head and opened my mouth but Armin answered instead "He's being too stubborn." I shot a look to Armin who held his hands up defensively. I ran my tongue over my teeth and I opened my mouth to say something, but someone else beat me.

"You should go. We have a lot of fun" Someone said from behind us. Armin and I turned to see a teenager about our age walk towards us.

"Oh this is my nephew, Wes," Brandon introduced us.

"He fits the description that Mikasa said she heard Levi talking about" Armin whispered next to me. I eyed him over though I wasn't really looking for anything in particular. It was just strange that he walked out behind us from the hallway.

I've never met this Levi guy, but he sounds horrible. Like worse than Jean horrible. Wes's eyes flicker at the mention of Levi's name and I was quite surprised he heard Armin's soft whisper.

"We have great times out there. It's quite a... different experience out there. There's lots of woods and trees that are fun to explore," Wes said, smiling at my mother, "And the food is great." Well I do like some great food. "We have lots of fun games and activities. I think you should go..." He trailed off, obviously stopping because he didn't know my name.

"I'm Eren and this is -"

"Armin. Yes. I met him last year," Wes nodded in the direction of my shy friend. My mother turned to me and I tore my eyes away from the strange look Wes had in his eyes.

"Eren I think you should go. You would have lots of fun and Armin would be with you. Maybe you would meet someone special?" She raised her eyebrows and I felt my face grow hot from embarrassment. That was another thing. My mom was always bugging me about getting a girlfriend of somesort, but I didn't exactly have the time. Like I said, Netflix and I have a lot of catching up to do.

"I know I have," Wes spoke up. I held back a scoff. No one asked you Wes. "The person I love, I met them at camp," Brandon's face fell and he looked away for a second. He almost looked pained or guilty but I brushed that thought away.

After all the pestering I had received from my mother, Armin, and Wes, I finally agreed. "Okay, okay. Fine. I'll go," I swiftly turned to my best friend who beamed happily, "But if I die, it's on your hands,"

"You won't die," Wes stated. "There are just certian people who should probably stay away from, such as Levi Rivaille."

"Why's that?" I asked out if curiosity. Armin was about to answer, but he was swiftly cut off by Wes.

He stared at me for a moment. "Well if you don't want to die -then you should stay away from him... There are some people who are quite... protective of him." He gave me a cheery smile and I could feel a small look of disgust and confusion take over.

"Well that make total sense," I mumbled under my breath but one sentence stayed in my mind.

Who is Levi Ackerman?


Shout out to my friend Heichou_Anna -or he would rather be called Kade- because he was very helpful with giving me ideas for this story and making the cover.

When you see the little check marks next to the chapter number, that means that it's been edited and once they're all finished, I'll remove them. This just helps me keep track of which ones I've done and haven't done.

Thanks for reading and I would love comments and feedback.


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