Meeting a Bear

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Iduna is so fucked.

Like, extensively fucked.

And sure, her life might've been crumbling piece by piece. And sure, her fight with mother might've been the worst they've ever had. But was that reason for Iduna to go and follow some weird lights into the forest?

Perhaps not.

But she did.

And they had led her far away from where all her troubles laid— the castle. So Iduna had followed the lights eagerly, knowing that her mother would be furious when she'd find out about Iduna's actions.

Iduna, don't sit like that.

Iduna, don't eat like that.

Iduna, don't go into the forest.

So Iduna had gone into the forest. Because if mother wouldn't listen to Iduna, Iduna wouldn't listen to her either.

It just wasn't fair. Couldn't mother get that?

But Iduna should've known better. And as the lights stuck to her body and transported her to god knew where, the memory of the advice she gets at least five times a year comes floating to her mind:

"Don't ye go around followin' weird lights. A bear will come and bite ye in yer arse"

Iduna just hoped that, wherever she was going, there wouldn't be any bears.

She was so fucked.

| x |

"Elsa, can you relax a little, this is supposed to be a party," Anna sighs, leading Elsa away from her safe corner and taking her to where all the guests were mingling. Where the guests Elsa had to talk to were mingling.

Elsa lets herself be led away. "It's not a party, it's an event to build foreign relations"

"So why aren't you doing that?"

"Because they don't want to build relations with the kingdom, they want to build relationships with me"

Elsa thinks Anna is going to force her to talk to some ambassador or other, but instead, she leads her to the table with the refreshments. Anna takes four chocolates from a plater and pushes one into Elsa's mouth.

"You are the queen, building relations with you is building relations with the kingdom"

Elsa rolls her eyes. "You know exactly what I mean."

Anna eats the other three chocolates— at the same time. Like she isn't a princess and royals from all over the world aren't here to witness her appalling behavior. Elsa feels the beginning of a headache beginning to start. Anna smiles, face still stuffed with chocolate. "Maybe you'll find the one! Come on, live life a little," she says, and it's barely understandable through her mouthful.

Elsa is about to inform Anna that not everyone wants to find a guy and get married— like Anna has so happily done with Kristoff— when some really loud whispering takes her attention away from her sister.

"Merida! Tell me where it is right this instant," a woman with a heavy accent speaks. She tries to hiss her words, shout-whisper them as to not bring attention to themselves. But is not working. The girl she's talking to just lifts up her nose, in defiance. And if it wasn't for the volume of their speech, they would still bring attention to themselves. The young girl being spoken to is not hard to miss, her vibrant red curls seem to demand attention from everyone with eyes.

They demand attention from Elsa. She's never seen such red hair before. So... free.

"Uhm, I'll be right back Anna," Elsa tells her sister, briefly putting a hand on her shoulder and walking away. Anna simply smiles with a 'that's the spirit!' And lets her go.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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