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I looked up at the sky, a plane was thundering overhead, dropping bombs on innocent people. And I couldn't do anything about it. I was on a rescue mission with Charlotte. We were currently strapped to a table with weird guys staring at us. "Don't hurt the girl, it's the boy who needs to feel pain" a man said in a Russian accent. I was glad that Charlotte was being released, but freaking out about feeling the pain. Charlotte got up and the Russian dude pointed a gun at her. "Get out of here, or we kill the boy" He said menacingly to Charlotte. She walked slowly out of the room and shot a look at me that said "I love you". As soon as Charlotte was gone, the Russian man and his friends picked up hammers. I felt the cold metal of a hammer hit me on the arm. My arm twitched in pain and I struggled against my bonds. One of the men held a taser over me. "Now, we teach you why it's not good to steal from Russian terrorists. The prods from the taser buried themselves in my chest and I started to make spastic movements. My voice echoed through the building as I screamed my lungs out. Eventually, the Russian man from before ripped the prods out of me and I fell back to the table. The hammers came down on my body and made me scream louder with each hit. I looked down at my body and saw it stained with blood. Darkness started to cloud my vision and I began to close my eyes. I heard the Russian man move and felt the taser prods stick themselves into me. Nothing could wake me from my trance-like state. My eyes closed and I muttered something. "Charlotte".
When I woke up, everything hurt. My body was cleaned up though and I was in different clothes. I tried to move my limbs and failed. They were all broken badly. A tall woman in a white gown came into the room. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. Her words slurred but she managed to say. "Drink this, it will help". She put a bottle to my lips and I felt strength return to my limbs. My bones in my legs shuffled around violently and I muffled a scream. Dark clouds surrounded my vision again, I hated this so much, yet I couldn't even speak to say so.
When I woke, my limbs were fixed and the pain was gone. The woman had obviously left the room quickly. The bottle was smashed on the floor and the liquid was spilt everywhere. I looked down at my bonds and found them untied. That woman did a lot to save me. I wonder why? I got off the table and looked around. Bodies were scattered everywhere and the smell of blood made me woozy. I scanned the room for means of escape. A loud smash made me jump and I whirred around. Charlotte was standing behind a window with a baseball bat. I ran to the window and ripped off my t-shirt. I wrapped it around my hands and climbed through the window. My t-shirt was destroyed, but I wasn't. Charlotte looked me up and down. "What did they do to you?!". "They zapped me and hit me with hammers" I replied blankly. Charlotte's eyes went wide and she jumped into my arms and kissed me. I broke away from the kiss and said "not here". We ran away from the building and hid in a little car that had been in a car crash. I slammed the doors shut and told Charlotte to be really quiet. She eventually met my lips and I fell on top of her on the seat. She giggled and opened her eyes. I smiled into the kiss and snaked my arms around her body. She giggled again and cuddled me tighter than before. I loved her heaps.
Ten minutes later, we broke the kiss and I searched for a shirt. There was one under the seat that was my size, so I put it on. Charlotte sighed in disappointment and said "why did you have to put a shirt on?". I blushed and smiled nervously. Charlotte kicked open the door of the car and got out to stretch. I was about to follow her before she tackled me into the car and slammed the door with her foot. A huge explosion blew the car sideways and I sat up with Charlotte clinging to me. My survival instincts kicked in and I climbed into the front seat. Charlotte picked up her baseball bat from before and smashed the windscreen. We jumped through and started running. Bullets pinged off the ground behind us as we ran to cover. I turned sideways suddenly and ran into a building. Charlotte ran in behind me and we ran to the emergency stairs and climbed them. We heard the sound of gunfire behind us and we were motivated to run faster. We got to the 3rd floor and I smashed the door down with my fists. Charlotte ran in and dived under a desk. I followed just as a helicopter smashed through the building and went to the other side of the room. I found a couple of fallen soldiers and grabbed their guns. Charlotte grabbed a pistol from a soldier and ran to the helicopter. I followed with an assault rifle and a bazooka. Armoured men began to file out of the helicopter and I realised that it was our strike team from the FBI. I smiled in relief and ran up to the soldiers. We had a short greeting ceremony before the men that were chasing us before smashed into the room and started to shoot at us. I ran to get behind a filing cabinet for cover. My assault rifle was already fully loaded and ready to fire. I ran out from my cover and began shooting. The men ducked for cover quickly, but I hit a few. One of our soldiers threw a grenade and ducked down behind cover. The explosion rocked the building and it began to sway. One of the soldiers threw me a parachute and began shooting the glass behind us. I kicked the glass wall and it shattered with a loud smash. We all jumped out of the building and I shot the building with my bazooka. The building began to collapse and some of the men fell out. A body landed next to me and splattered me with blood. Gross. I got up swiftly and drew a knife. I threw it backwards and heard a grunt of pain. The soldiers around me whirred around and pointed their guns at the direction the sound came from. A small man stumbled out of the shadows, clutching his chest. His clothes were soaked with blood and he couldn't stand properly. The man fell over on his face and grunted in pain again. The man sat up and tried to stop the flow of blood coming off his nose and chest. I bent down and examined the man. With a shock, I realised that it was one of the Russian men from before. I held a gun to his forehead and fired. It was all over in a matter of seconds. The man's brains fell out of his head and blood formed a pool around him. Charlotte was setting up a patrol of soldiers to guard the position while we made plans. I spoke quietly to the squadron's leader. "We have to get out of here, the mission is a bust" I whispered. The man replied and said "I agree, I'll contact the FBI and get them to send in a helicopter". Charlotte walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back and told her of our plans. But of course, guys with guns decided to interrupt.
The soldiers formed a protective circle around Charlotte and I. Some Russian terrorists we firing upon the squad with machine guns. A soldier beside me was killed in a shower of blood and guts. I picked up his gun and took his place. We had to move. I rolled out of the circle and ducked behind cover. A sentry gun was blaring about fifty metres away. I pulled the pin on an EMP grenade and threw it at the sentry gun. The gun exploded and the terrorists around it screamed as shrapnel hit them and buried itself in their flesh. The soldiers around me charged at the terrorists and shot them all down easily. I backflipped, drew a knife in mid air, twisted around and cut a terrorist's neck open. He screamed and I kicked him in mouth to shut him up. Charlotte pulled the trigger on her pistol and the guy's brains were blown out of his head. The soldiers stared at us like they had just seen a ghost. "Just be glad we're on your side" Charlotte said and walked off briskly. I dusted myself off and gave hand signals to the group. The helicopter was going to land any minute now, and we had to be ready for it. "Hold this position until the helicopter comes, we need a place to refer back to" Charlotte said to one of the soldiers. He nodded quickly and began a patrol. The rest of the group began deploying themselves in different places. I spoke into my com link quietly and calmly. "We need that helicopter right now" I said and got an instant response from the pilot. "You will have about ten seconds to get everyone in and close the doors. I'm being shot at by so-arrrrgghhh!" The pilot said as an explosion sounded over the headset. "Pilot! Answer me! Are you ok?" I yelled over the com link. I only got static in return. A helicopter smashed into a building across the street from us and the building collapsed onto the street. I looked at Charlotte warily. She was suffering from loss again. Our pilot was dead and so was our means of getting out of here. "Hey boss! Look what I found!" One of the soldiers yelled from a few metres away. I ran up to the spot where the guy was and looked where he was looking. Four SUVs with guns mounted on top of them were parked inside a garage. I congratulated the soldier and beckoned everyone over to the cars. Charlotte took one of the SUVs with a couple of the soldiers and parked a few metres away from the collapsed building. I took another SUV and some more soldiers to scout around and find a way out of the city. The leader of the strike team took some men and went another way to find a way out of the city. And the rest of the soldiers piled into the empty car and followed me. The voice of the leader blared over my com link about five minutes later. "We've found a way out, but it's heavily guarded. We'll set up a diversion while you flank them from the sides". I contacted Charlotte and told her of our plans. She went to the right while I went to the left. We all drove through the desolate and destroyed city and concentrated on the task ahead of us. One of the soldiers in my car climbed up to the gun on top of the SUV halfway through the trip and began practising using it.

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