Chapter 1

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17 Years Later

Xander's POV

"Alright Xander, are you ready," Gretta ask as she aims the gun at me. I silently nod. 'Pow' the sound of the bullet emerges into the empty room. Time slows down all around me and I walk towards the bullet grabbing it with my fingers.

"I'm tired of all of this now," I state impatiently.

" What do you mean?" Confusion is written all over her face. Oh she knows exactly what I mean.

" I'm tired of all the testing. I can take down military tanks with one hit, read people's mind, I'm faster than the speed of light and I'm trained to assassinate my target with no mistakes. Everyone here knows what I can do so why are you still keeping me here! You promised me that by the time I reach sixteen I would be able to go into the world and go to school like a normal teenager! I'm still in this shi-"

" That's enough X. I know what we promised you but this is why we didn't let you go. Your temper still needs to be tamed son. If not you will change every time someone makes you angry." That's when I see myself in the mirror. My eyes color changed from their normal baby blue to a menacing amber, my body became taller and more muscular having my clothes stretch to their maximum capacity and my face looks ...well let's just say a vicious dog would crap itself if it saw me.

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. Each time it's harder to calm down though. It's like I'm this time bomb ready to explode.

" Doctor Gretta! I have good news! Our new project is ready to commence." Dr. Dawson says as he runs into the room.

" What is it, Dawson." I can literally smell the annoyance coming from Gretta. She gives him a look that says this better be good.

" We have all of the accommodations ready for the subject to proceed into phase five." Phase five?

"Oh is that so?" Gretta then turns to me. "Looks like you're actually going to high school Xander." She gives me a sadistic smile.

"So what I'm hearing is I finally get to leave this hell hole." I look at both doctors. They both nod and I give them my best smile. I finally get to go to school like a normal person.

"Pack your things Xan we have a long trip ahead of us. We should be able to leave by noon tomorrow." Dr. Dawson says.

Kaymaya's POV

My life sucks. I have an abusive father, a spineless step-mother and a bully sister. Every day my dad gets drunk and beats me for no reason. I am still trying to cover up the bruises from yesterday's beating. I hiss as my hand brush against the dark purple almost black bruise on my ribs.

" Kaymaya if your not down here in five minutes, I'll leave you to walk again!" And there goes my sister. I don't get it why am I the only daughter to get the receiving end of dad's beatings?

I hurry up to wrap the bruise on my ribs and get downstairs right in time to see my sister pull out of the driveway and speed down the road. Great now I have to walk, again.

1 Hour Later

I finally make it in the schoolyard in time for the second period. I'm so getting an earful later. I go to my locker and grab my books for the next class. As I am about to close my locker I sense someone approach me.

"Oh my God, it's the wench of the school." I know that voice anywhere. Sienna stands there with my sister, Kayla. What do they want from me now?

"Hey, sis. I need money for some lunch today so give me yours." my sister gives me an evil smile and puts her hand out.

"B-but I-I thought d-dad gave,"

"Shut up and give me the damn money!" she screeches. I quickly go in my bag and fish around for my money. I then take out my last ten dollars and hand it over. "Thanks sis." She says as she snatches it out of my hands and walk away.

When will all of this end.


After my history class, I head to the library since there is no purpose of me going in the cafeteria. The smell of food would just torture me.

"Yo! Walking stick!" I turn to see some guys on the football team approach my friend, Bruce, down the hall. Oh no, not again. One of the guys places a hand roughly on his shoulder and turn Bruce to face them.

"So stick, I heard that you didn't follow the instructions that I gave you last week. Could you explain to me why?" Leo grips Bruce's shoulder tighter. I watch as facial expression morph into pain. I need to stop this before it escalates.

"I didn't do it because it's wrong. I would never hack into the schools server just for some bad grades you could have prevented if you'd simply study like everyone else. Or are you too stupid to understand what you are reading." The look on Leo's face turns from smug to malice in seconds. Uh oh. Looks like that struck a nerve. Bruce you fool just keep your mouth shut for once. Leo pulls his fist back to punch Bruce but before it hits him, I stand in the way an receive a harsh blow to the face. In an instant everything turns black.


"Kaymaya. C'mon schools out." I hear Bruce's voice. I slowly open my eyes aware of the light shining in the nurses office. As soon as I get up, a huge migraine pulses through my head causing me to hiss in pain.

"Hey sweetie. You have to take it easy. That was a nasty blow you took." Nurse Noel says while handing me a cup of water and an Advil. "I'll give you tomorrow off since you won't be able to focus in your classes due to the migraine. Please get some rest ok."

"Will do." I respond after taking the pill. My father won't let me rest though. He'll give me all the house chores on the planet. When I'm done with the nurse I thank Bruce for helping me to the nurse and then begin my walk home.

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