chapter two - orientation

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"hey, sun blossom!" Eva sang, as I awkwardly climbed into her large SUV. sun blossom was a strange pet name she gave me.

"I could have driven myself" I mumbled, having to climb up the SUV constantly reminds me of my 5'4 height.

I heard her laugh in response. She always tells me to take my bike everywhere, like I didn't spend 10,000 dollars on my car just for it not to be used. we started down the road and I felt her eyes on me, studying my expression.

"hey. don't be scared. this will be good for you! who knows how long you will be cooped up in that house if I don't get you out now?" she urged. there was a hint of unrest in her tone.

"I'm just fine Eva. don't worry! remember both of us agreed on this" I laughed. her worried expression faded away, and she turned on the radio to 60's hits. I looked out the mirror, resting my head on my hand, realizing my heart was beating faster and faster as we got closer. I tried to steady my breathing so Eva wouldn't babble on about how I shouldn't worry, everything is fine, yadda yadda. about nine minuted later we pulled into a full parking lot, most likely freshman parents. it kinda was embarrassing to think 'bout, what other juniors would be at orientation?

I hopped out of the car and saw my hands shaking, so I shoved them into my jean back pockets. I played with my hair, flipping it to one side. we walked into the big white-painted gates, threw the hallway of lockers, and into the auditorium. Just like I expected. packed with 13 and 14-year-olds. I sighed in dismay. Eva and I sat down on the chairs facing the stage and watched the principle attempt to calm everyone down.

"um, welcome everybody! to South Anarchy High! home of the lions!" the old, pot-bellied man announced.

"after introducing some lovely people of the office, which is room K-14," he said with a wink, "you are free to find your classes!" he said with a wide smile. the guy is really loud. after babbling on about where to go if you need help, where to find maps and other things like that, everybody stood up and scattered all over the campus. it almost seemed like a real school day! who knew there were so many freshmen. the halls were wide though, so it wouldn't be like the freeway to Disney World on a Friday morning. Eva left me to find my classes by myself, already chatting it up with someone's mom.

"T-12...T-12.." I mumbled to myself, trying to find my first period, Spanish. after finding my first 3 classes, I went to my history class. I walked in to see no one, except for a boy with brown curly hair, face towards the world map. 'what is a freshie doing in my history class?' i wondered. the door shut behind me, a little too loudly. he spun around, startled. we met gazes.

"o-oh sorry.. ill just go" I studdered, leaving.

"oh, do you need help on your schedule?? it's okay for a freshman to get lost." he offered, walking over to me. I'm not that short am I?

"oh no, I'm a junior I'm just new here." I laughed nervously.

"wait, you're a junior?" I questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, my sister is a freshman here so I figured I would help her," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"doesn't look like your helping her.," I mumbled under my breath. he laughed, hearing me.

"well... I guess I should go. see you in history kid," he said, winking at me. oh, that's it!

"5'4 is average height!" I yelled down the hall at him, he laughed in response. and that was it.

that night at dinner I couldn't stop thinking of him. the little freckles that spotted his nose, his liquid brown eyes, and hair to match. he was tall, around 5'10, and he wore white vans. he was cute. I smiled to myself as I poked at the weird salad Eva whipped up.

"how was orientation jazz?" savannah asked me, seeing me smile.

"oh, um, a lot of freshmen." I smiled and got up to refill my water.

"hon, I met the sweetest lady after the assembly, and she has a son in junior year too! we are going to do a carpool. he will pick you up every day. I thought it can get you out there." she gleefully told me.

"w-what???" I spun around at her. well, there goes MY car altogether.

"um, is that okay blossom?" she asked, her dark eyebrows pulling together creating a crease on her forehead, confused i wasn't ecstatic.

"I don't even know the kid! it will be awkward! and I wanna drive my car!" I exclaimed, nearly spilling my water everywhere because of how animated I was.

"oh no, it will not be awkward sugar! you'll see the kid every day! even if it's awkward at first you two will loosen up! and you have many other opportunities to drive your own car!" she shot back. what if it was the kid from the history class? uh oh. I'm in big trouble.

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