What its all about.

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"Oh come on he couldn't be that bad"," Ugh mum he was",
"only because you wanted him to be".We argued about this thing for close to an hour I don't know what it will take to get it into my mums head that all guys are bastards and love is a cruel worthless thing to get involved with ,yeah some people claim its the best thing that could happen to a person but I think not once you are the type who has money and it all started with what a guy did to you you will realise that love is not a necessity.
So it wasn't the first time my mum had set up a blind date for me and its not the first time it went totally upside down Mumbo-Jumbo and the thing about blind dates is that(not that I'm considering to give love a chance)they reduce your belief in the fact that that cruel thing actually exists cause the more blind dates you go on the more disappointed you get cause the guys who go on blind dates are either desperate men who will take just about anyone and feel it won't take that much to impress you or men who just don't like their wives anymore and are looking for side chicks or just a  fresh divorcee who is looking for a one night stand but it is only in one out of a million will you find the right guy through a blind date. Anyway tomorrow was Monday I had to go to work and be productive so I had to clear my head and get some sleep. When I got to my bedroom as usual I flung myself unto my bed and set my home theatre set to put myself to sleep with some soothing classical music. The next morning was a really slow one I didn't feel like doing anything I felt like sleeping dead throughout the day so I didn't get up and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door, I made the person knock for a while then I went to the door the first thing that put me off was that it was a man and secondly it was the mailman first of all if I didn't mention I hate mail I feel it is when someone wants  to give you something but he can't look you in the face then he just puts it in the mail and let's you have it. Anyway I took the mail signed it and slammed the door in the mailman's face only to find out it was a gift from the asshole I went on a blind date with yesterday proving me right that he just can't look me in the eye so he'd rather let me look at that gender confused mailman.
Well I took it into my room and laid down thinking for close to an hour whether to open it dispose of it or mail it back or possibly even burn it anyway I thought till It took me back to sleep  then the next time It was my mother waking me up to come for breakfast,
"Oh mom I've told you if anything I'll cook " ,"oh dear if you cook what's my use in this house",    "being my mother","either way I already cooked so let's go and eat",I jumped out of bed to go and eat my mother's home made scram led eggs and some Greek yoghurt see my mum was all about eating a healthy breakfast so I kinda got used to these breakfasts so when I finished I was going back to my room when my mum froze me with a question "so what's  your day gonna be like" Then I saw my mum was bored and I don't blame her two women a mother and her daughter in a three story story building house with nothing  but the usual ,a phone, television set and a god damn radio yep so i told her,"Oh mum OK sit tight I'm coming",I went to my room put on some proper outing clothes which she apparently spied on me and saw I was changing and went to change  so when I was done so was she so we jumped into my car and drove off where to was still a mystery but we were still going so I asked where she wanted and she couldn't answer then I knew she was bored and just wanted to hang out with her daughter so I sent us to the park to take a stroll while we were sitting on one of the park benches one little kid  run up to me it was a cute baby boy and then i asked myself
"so these cute creatures grow up to become suck up jerks that go round playing with girls' lives" then all of a sudden this gauntly dark man walked up to us
"Sorry ma'am that's my son"
"Oh no  worries" then my mum pinched me as he reached for his son
"mum stop it"
"Anyway my names Michael what about you"
"I'm Angela and this is my mom Stella "
"Oh OK I don't think  I've seen you here before do you always come here?"
"Oh no its just today"
"oh OK I was just saying cause I bring tony here every day, anyway it was nice meeting you"
"OK" then he left
"Why didn't you say anything"
"Oh mom what was I supposed to say"
"well at least asking where he works will be nice"
"oh mom I came out to be with you and that's all that I'm gonna do"
"I'M NOT GONNA BE HERE FOREVER....... i am not gonna be here forever, that is why I want you to find someone I want you to relate but you just wouldn't listen, you know what let's get out of here",after that I had us go shopping (overlooking that awkward moment) and finally went to see a movie when we were done so was the day so when we went we were both very tired but it was worthwhile so we both went to be The next day I had to go to work missing one day of work was enough for me cause first of all there was a man I wanted fire and also there was a client I had to bring in so there was no space for thinking twice about going to work so I hurriedly got dressed kissed my mom goodbye and left. When I arrived I got my act together and waited patiently for the call at  eleven o 'clock the phone rang  I answered it and got to work. This client was a difficult one but as usual i conquered him, after two and half whole hours of convincing and persuading i finally got him to come in agreement with me."I have to say i am really impressed with you and your work","Thank you very much sir ","okay so ill have my assistant and representative Mr. Robinson sent over to start with the essential paperwork immediately","Yes sir thank you very much".Right after that i didn't waste any time i just packed up and went home cause i was freaking exhausted when i got home my mom was surprised because i don't come home this early,  "Why home so early dear, do you have a date","oh maa does it always have to come to that","well you never know maybe you found what you are looking for","well no i just made a big client today so i want us to celebrate ok?","ok sure","Riiight after i get some rest ok"    "sure take all the time you need",i gave her a peg on the cheek Mmmmwuah,"thanks mom you're the best",So after i woke up i made sure of it that we celebrated my big success and it was one to   remember. so the next day at around 9:30 AM an hour after I had arrived my secretary came to me and told me,"Ma'am please there's a Mr.Robinson looking for you",I don't know how deep i was into my papers but i didn't even  notice the young man walk in,"hello good morning, good morning helloooooo ","oh sorry i didn't even notice you walk in i'm.....",i was short of words when i saw who was standing in front of me,"Angela?","Michael?","Oh my God what a coincidence" "Yeah any way nice to meet you again Angela........","Williams, Angela Williams and I take it you are Michael Robinson right","I am indeed" 

what a twist and turn of event for both Angela and Michael will this finally lead to a love story or will Angela's hardened heart prevail we will find out in chapter two.

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter there's more suspense, romance and unexpected happenings in the next chapter. If you like what you have read so far please remeber to 




Love Petrus Quartey.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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