[nine] ships in wayv

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Kun x Hua
"mother" / "daughter" ship

Kun is no one mother but is more like an older brother. This doesn't really apply to Hua because Kun acts like Hua's mother but also like an older brother. Fans love to see when Kun protects Hua. It's cute little moments. Also when Hua needs a break, she makes Kin do magic tricks for her.

Ten x Hua
close friends ship

Hua is close to Ten because of her brother. Jokes that fans make are sometimes true. Other than maybe Lucas and YangYang, Hua and Ten will always speak English together. The girl also became Ten's 2nd translator after YangYang and Ten became Hua's language teacher. She also really appreciates Ten's dancing.

WinWin x Hua
uwu ship

Soft for each other, more like everyone is soft for them. Hua and WinWin have the cuties relationship. Whenever Hua needs a comforting hug, she goes to WinWin. She said that it is like hugging a big teddy bear. WinWin can also get overprotective of Hua because she is a baby to him. The boy is actually really fit which surprised Hua the first time they meet.

Lucas x Hua
fake boyfriend ship / best friend ship

Hua is real close to Lucas because of Byul. Lucas also joked that Hua would only date him because she said he looks the most handsome. They also post couple goals pictures together and the members joke about it all the time. Hua opens up to Lucas a lot when she can't talk with her brothers or Hua.

Xiao Jun x Hua
sibling ship

It's a hate-love relationship. Sometimes Hua gets annoyed by Xiao Jun but at the end of the day, they are really close. They like to stay up and talk about how they lived in a famous sibling shadow. Hua also likes Xiao Jun's voice because it's deep especially when he talks in Korean.

Hendery x Hua
siblings ship

It's a hate-love relationship like Xiao Jun. Instead of they are very cheerful with each other and have a lot of skinship despite the members' objections. Hendery reminds Hua of her old boyfriend that she still talks too. They spent a lot of time together because Hendery is usually putting Hua asleep in her bed.

YangYang x Hua
best friend ship

They are close in age and are very comfortable with each other. Since both of them are into shoes, when someone buys a new pair they buy the same pair for the other. They have a lot of matching clothing items. Their skinship is mostly Hua clingy onto YangYang for protection. Fans ship these two together because they just fit right together.

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