Our love is infinitate⚓

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Kiana's *P.O.V*
I woke the next morning and felt two familiar arms around me. Brendon's. I smile and nuzzle closer to him and my Bear. It's a Sunday and I don't really feel like doing anything at all. I shake Brendon awake. He opens his eyes just to shut them while pulling me closer. He his holding me so tight, he may actually break me. I squirm until he looks at me And let's me go. He looks at me rubbing some of the sleep out of his eyes. "What is is babe?" He says in his deep morning voice. " I was wanting to go to my bed because this couch isn't very comfortable." I pout. He smiles and gets up to walk up the stairs until he realizes I ain't following. "Are you coming babe?" He says with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I just stick out my arms like a child and poking out my bottom lip. He gets the hint and picks me up bridal style. He starts to walk but I scream, "NO! WAIT!" he looks at me in complete confusion like I've gone mad or something. "You forgot Breny Bear." I say as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. He chuckles and grabs my bear. Brendon packed all three of us up the stairs. He dropped me and Breny at the main top of the stairs and I ran and jumped onto the bed and curled up next to my stuffed bear. Moments later I feel the weight of Brendon joining me. He pouts while saying, " I thought you were going to cuddle me?" You laugh at his childish behavior and tease him by saying, "Nope, Bren gets jealous... I'm a one Bren woman sorry." I stick out my tongue and he childishly glares at me while crossing his arms. I eventually gave in and cuddled up next to Brendon. He wraps his arms around me and I smile. Out of the blue I ask, "Bren, so you think we'll get married one day? Or have kids?" He doesn't hesitate and says, "I sure hope so. Our wedding would be the center of attention everywhere. We would have the best wedding celebration ever held. And as for the kids well I don't think that will be to hard to do." He starts laughing at my very red face. "Brendon!" I yell while slapping him on the chest. "You're Nastay." I say mater of factly. He laughs while adding, "Only for you babe." I snuggle in to Brendon's chest content with the way my life was now. I am happy to have Brendon back because without him my life was hell. I missed his eyes, his laugh, lame jokes, pervertedness, I missed it all. I was happy to be able to feel him close to me again. I snuggled closer breathing in his scent while dozing off smiling and happier than I have ever been.......

A/n: If this is complete shit, well then I am sorry it's like 2 am and I felt like writing so yeah.... Anyways will Brendon and Kiana stay in this happy state of love? Or will reality break shatter that ideal to peices? You guys are the best lovelies.💕
Should I start asking you guy's questions or naw? Because I know you don't want to know about my boring ass... But I would like to get to know my readers better

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