Date: Baking and Fort Making🍪⛺️❤️

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Giggling filled the room. Ben had just come home for the first time after they got married. Rey wanted to take life slower, and she decided not to continue being a jedi. She wanted to settle down and have a family. Ben wanted that, too. They got married, and, soon, they might have little ones running around, but, for now, they were going to make cookies.
Rey already had the ingredients out—butter, sugar, flour, and, of course, chocolate chips. They went straight to the kitchen to start baking.

"Put the butter in the bowl," Rey told him pointing to the items.

"A bit bossy, are we?" Ben replied teasingly.

"No, I just know what I'm doing," Rey replied with a slight smile.

"Oh, is that what you call it?" Ben continued to tease. "You read the recipe, what? Once? And you think you know it all."

"Twice," she corrected, "and I do know it all."

Ben let out a small laugh and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a warm kiss, and it seemed as though the whole universe stopped and was calm just for this moment. It only lasted a few seconds, but it seemed to last an hour. They both smiled.

Rey snapped out of her daze. She could get lost in those soft eyes forever, "Well let's get started, shall we?"

"I think we should," he replied snapping out of his daze. Oh, how he loved her beautiful smile. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he would be here with her. He had his hopes, but he did not actually think they would happen.
They put some music on as they baked, and Rey started dancing, whisk in her hand. She felt so safe with Ben. He was one of the only people she really felt understood her. He spun her with his finger as he moved across the kitchen to get the sugar. If you did not know who they were you would think they were childhood sweethearts. 

The batter was almost done. Rey stuck her finger in it to taste it, but as her finger was on its way to her mouth, Ben gently grabbed her arm to stop her. She got a mischievous smile wiped it on his nose. He paused surprised, but then he stuck his finger in the batter and wiped it on her nose. She gasped as if he had done something awful, but she was holding back a smile. She stuck her hand in the batter and wiped it across his cheek. He tried to do the same back, but she moved her head back, and he wiped it on her arm instead. They started running around the kitchen trying to fling batter on each other.

"Okay, okay, stop! There won't be enough left for the cookies," Ben finally said after a while, but he was still laughing.

"Fine," Rey was laughing, too, "Truce?"

"Truce," Ben agreed.

It was a good thing Rey had bought extra ingredients because they had used most of the batter on each other. They made some more, separated it, and put them into the oven.
After they had put the cookies in the oven, they decided to make a fort in the living room. While Rey was not looking, Ben threw a pillow at her and it hit her in the back of the head. She looked at him wildly with her mouth hung open wide.

"Did you just- How DARE you!" She exclaimed, hold back a smile, "We had a truce!"

She threw one back at him.

"Truces can be broken," Ben said throwing another one at her.

"Just because they can, doesn't mean they should!" Rey declared throwing two pillows at him.

"What's the fun in that?"

Rey threw four pillows at him, pegging him in the face each time.

"I'll show you- you- you jerk face!" he tried to think of a good insult, but he usually just choked or threw aside people who disagreed with him or got in his way.
"Is that the best you could come up with?" She teased.

"Well I doubt you could do better."

"Oh really?"


"Okay then, ya' big tauntaun."

Ben was too busy laughing to respond. He grabbed the pillows that had been thrown at him and sent them flying towards her, and, soon enough, they were having a pillow fight.
The timer for the cookies went off. They put their pillows down and went to go check them. The smell was amazing, and they were perfect. Rey took them out of the oven, and they ate of few of them. Gooey cookies fresh out of the oven and being with a loved one are truly some of the most enjoyable things in the universe.

"Okay, let's actually build a fort now," Rey told him.

"Okay," he agreed.

They finished building the fort and brought the cookies in. They looked through their wedding photos and ate some more cookies. They were having so much fun, but it was getting pretty late, and Rey was starting to fall asleep on Ben. They decided to go ahead and go to bed.
It had been a perfect night, except for all the cleaning because there was cookie dough everywhere. They kissed goodnight and snuggled up in bed next to each other hoping to have dreams just as amazing as the person lying next to them.

Ben and Rey One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora