Wensdays/Test Day

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Today is Wednesday and each of the girls have to take a test in all of there classes...so Andrea woke her sisters up because their mom had to work early
Andrea:Sisters It's time for school
Audrey:okay were up
Adrianna:where is mama
Andrea:she had to work early
Then they all got up and got in the shower one by one and put their clothes on and when downstairs to eat breakfast..then went to school
At School
I was in 1st period taking my test like everyone else then I saw a paper ball fly on to my desk so I opened it and it said hey beautiful so I turned and looked at Adrian behind me and he looked back at his test really fast so I laughed and said hey
Teacher:no talking while testing mrs.Anderson..and no passing notes and my class mr.Marshall
Me&Adrian:Sorry mrs.lane
Then we both started testing again
After class
We were walking in the hallway
Adrian:hey cutie
Me:*Smiles* Hi Adrian
Adrian:so have you talked to your mom yet
Me:oh yea she said I can go
Adrian:yay..I can't wait to hang out with you
Me:me to..
Then he ran his hand through my hair
Adrian:come show me that beautiful smile
Adrian:oh my...you really are the cutest thing
Me:thank You Adrian
Then he walked away
Skip to 3rd period
I was in 3rd period texting and I was sitting by Aaliyah cause we have this class and 1st period Together then she gave me note that said you look cute today
Me:*whispers* thank you..you do to
Aaliyah:*whispers* thanks
Then we finished testing so now we could talk
Aaliyah:hey I have a question Adrianna
Me:yes ?
Aaliyah:can I take you to carnival Friday
Me:are you asking me on a date *starts blushing*
Aaliyah:*smiles* yea sorta
Me:of course..I'll ask my mom
Then I looked down and smiled..now I really needed to know if she liked me
At Lunch
I sat with the girls and Adrian and Aaliyah came and sat with us
Me:girls and Adrian..this is my friend Aaliyah...and Aaliyah these are My Sisters Andrea,Audrey,And Alexis..And this is Alexis's Friend Adrian
Aaliyah:Hii Nice To Meet You
Andrea:hey..aww she's a cutie
Aaliyah:thank you
Me:watch it Andrea
Andrea:chill out lol
At The End Of The Day
Adrianna Walked me home and then we got to my house and my mom opened it
My mom:hey girls
Me:hey mom
Adrianna:Hi mrs.Rodriguez
Then her brother walked to the door
Daniel:hey sis
Me:hey Daniel
Daniel:Heyy Adrianna
Adrianna:*looks down and smiles* H-Hi Daniel
The we were literally just standing at the door
Adrianna:well I'll be going home now..before my mom gets worried
Me:oh okay..see you tomorrow
Adrianna:okay bye..bye Daniel *turns around fast*
At home
We were all talking then Adrianna walked in
Me:oh your here..where were you ?
Adrianna:I walked Aaliyah Home
Me:oh..mom she's here
Then mom came downstairs
Mom:oh sweetie your here..where were you
Adrianna:*smiles* I walked my friend Aaliyah home
Mom:oh okay
Then she left
Audrey:I really think you like this girl lol
Adrianna:maybe I do..maybe I don't..leave me alone
Audrey:*laughs* okay sis
Then me and the girls went to go eat dinner and that's when Adrianna told mom something that had us all pretty shocked
Adrianna:mommy..my friend Aaliyah wants to take me on a date to the carnival
Mom:A Date ?
Andrea:A Date!!
Alexis:oh wow *smiles
Audrey:I knew it
Adrianna:yea she wants to go Friday
Mom:okay hunny..you can go
Adrianna:thanks mom
Then me and the girls went upstairs and got ready for bed and put on our pj's and I got in my bed that I shared with Audrey and went to sleep

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