Games And A Bit Of Romance.

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Hello everybody on wattpad I've decide that just for you guys I'm going to write you some BTR one shots that have been messing around in my crazy head.

If you wattpaders want me to write you some one shots then comment and tell me your name.

If you guys really like some of these then I'll make it it's own story and not just a one shot.

Okay, well here's the first one it's a Carlos love story one shot.


The arcade, in the mall, was all dark. The only lights in it came from the various games as well as the sounds of beeping and game music.

I loved the arcade it was, to me, the most wonderful place in the world.

The sound of the games and the people playing them, reminded me of when I was younger and my dad used to take me here all the time, but that was years ago.

A small tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it and the unhappy memories away as I walked to nearest game and began playing and getting lost in the game.

"Ugh! This game sucks," a guy, with a dark skin tone and hair, groaned on a near by, at a racing game,"I never win!"

"It don't suck," I said finishing my game,"you just don't know how to win."

"No! It sucks cause it's broken." the guy said looking at me.

"It's not broken," I scoffed,"you just don't know how to win."

"Then show me," the guy said getting out of the seat and gesturing towards it,"then show me how to win then."

I shrugged and took the seat and begain playing.

"you'll never win that one." the guy scoffed as I picked the biggest track on the game and chose to go only one lap around.

"worst pep talk in history." I muttered rolling my eyes at him as grept thighter to the game steering wheel.

"Three... Two... One... Go!" an elelictronic voice on the game said and the race started.

I slammed my foot down on the floor peddal and my car on the game zoomed off in front of all the others.

I jerked the wheel into a sharp turn.

"Whoa," the guy said his eyes big as I jerked the wheel again, "your good at this game."

I smirked spinning the wheel around and going around anther turn.

My beat picked up as I was getting close to the finish line, I felt like I was really in the game.

I held my breath as my car zoomed in first place through the finish line.

"Whoo Hoo." Me and the shouted.

"High five you did awesome!" the guy shouted holding a hand up as I high fived him.

"Ow! You high five really hard!" the guy said shaking his hand a little bit before holding his hand out to me,"Oh by the way I'm Carlos."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled shaking his hand,"I'm (YN)."

"Thats a pretty name," Carlos smiled,"so what other games are you good at?"

" I bet I could beat you at that dance game over there." I said pointing, not really answering his question.

Carlos looked where I was pointing then looked back at me and smirked.

"your on!" he said before we raced towards it.

I did win but barely beat him.

Never in my life had I laughed or so much fun as I was having with Carlos challenging to more and more games.

I begain to really like him, he seemed down to earth with an amazing since of humor and acted like a kid that knew just what to say and do to make me laugh until my ribs hurt and I thought that I'd never beable to laugh again.

"You cheated!" he was accusing me while laughing.

"I did not," I giggled unable to control it,"I swear I did not cheat." I raised my hand and crossed my heart with the other.

"Alright I believe you for now." he said mincingly.

"Good." I smiled as my stomach growled loudly.

"Someones hungry," he smiled poking my in the stomach,"want to go to the food cort with me?"

"Sure I'd love to." I giggled smiling a big smile.

I followed Carlos to the food cort talking and laughing as we got hot dogs.

"Y-y-you got!" He laughed as we sat down at a table ate our hot dogs.

"I-I-I got what?" I asked confused and beginning to laugh from his contagious laughter.

"Y-y-you got m-m-mustered on you nose." he finally managed to say through his laughter.

I looked down at my nose as I licked my thumb and wiped my nose with it.

When I looked back up at him and smiled he smiled back.

I don't know what it was but there was something in his eyes that I've never seen before in any ones eyes.

"My I kiss you?" he asked softly.

I was taken back so much by the question that it me a little bit before I could answer.

"Sure." the words slipped through my lips before I could stop them but why would I.

Carlos leaned across the table and I leaned across to, closing the distance between us and pressing my lips to his soft lips.

I've never kissed anyone before now, so I didn't know what to expect, but the kiss was soft, sweet and gentle.

When we pulled apart I had a feeling that me and him were going to be good friends.

My Big Time Rush one shots:ClosedWhere stories live. Discover now