A Christmas At Dorothea

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Marlya was walking down the halls of Dorothea with Chima by her side. They were admiring the Christmas decorations that had been placed there a few days before. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was excited for the party that they were planning to have tomorrow. As they continued down the halls, they ran into Free, who was having some trouble setting up the lights. Marlya chuckled, "How did you manage to do that?" She pointed at Free, motioning that she was talking about the fact that he had somehow managed to get himself wrapped in the Christmas lights. Free said, "I have no idea and I have even less of an idea of how I am going to get free from this trap. Help." Marlya laughed lightly and helped untangle Free from the lights. After a few minutes, Free was once again free. The two then proceeded to set up the lights. Once they were done, Free, Marlya and Chima went to the break room. There, they found their fellow members of Dorothea, Serge and Klara. Serge saw them and put on Santa on them, "Hey there you two. Finally done with your work I see. Now it's time to get ready for Christmas." Klara sighed, "Sorry about him. He's even more of an idiot than usual when it's Christmas time." The rest of the members of Dorothea came into the room with gifts and placed them under the tree. Lily saw Marlya, "Hey Marlya. Getting ready for Christmas?" Marlya nodded with a smile, "Yup. I made sure to finish all of my work today so that there wouldn't be more to do when Christmas is over." Robert said, "There will always be more work. It's like the criminals don't even care about their own holidays." Marlya chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so. When I was in the Biaklay mafia, we always had Christmas off. The leader even dressed up as Santa and gave out our gifts." Eleanor said, "Well, that's a bit surprising. A mafia boss dressing up as a fictional character to hand out gifts. I bet the other mafia groups would laugh so hard that they would die if they heard that. Even more so if they actually saw it." Marlya smiled, "Well, i'm pretty sure that no one is brave enough to actually try to take a picture of that. But I am very excited to get to spend my first Christmas with Dorothea." Serge said, "Oh, you'll love it Marlya. Everyone keeps on drinking hot coco. We unwrap the gifts and trade the ones that we don't want. Even the Director gets into the Christmas spirit. She makes the best gingerbread cookies." Klara said, "I admit that she does. It's one of her secrets that no one is allowed to tell or else they'll meet an early grave." The group laughed at the idea of Director being all Christmas-y. Serge continued, "And our Christmas parties are the best. We sing Christmas carols. We have a huge feast. A few kisses under the mistletoe. We celebrate until midnight. It'll be awesome Marlya, just watch." As the day went on, the members of Dorothea went home in anticipation for the next day.

It was Christmas Day and everyone in Rondacea was cheerfully celebrating the holiday. The members of Dorothea were gathering in their headquarters for their Christmas party. Once they all reached the headquarters, they were greeted by the smell of hot chocolate. The source was from the kitchen. They saw that Director Auler had made them some hot chocolate and was pouring it into the cups. She turned to the Dorothea members, "Well, took you all long enough. I was worried that the hot chocolate would go cold by the time you got here. Now drink up and eat my gingerbread cookies. That's an order!" They all smiled and grabbed some cookies and a cup of hot coco. They went back to the break room to celebrate and opened their presents. They were having a wonderful time. Marlya smiled at the joy filled faces of her precious comrades. She stood up, "I'm going to get more coco." Free stood up as well, "I'll get some more too. I also wanna get more cookies." The two of them walked into the kitchen and poured some more coco into their cups. On their way back to the break room, Free asked her, "So, Marlya, having a good time?" Marlya smiled, "Yeah. I can't even remember the last time that I had this much fun. Especially on Christmas. I'm very happy and very lucky to get to spend this wonderful holiday with my precious comrades." Free smiled, "That's great to hear." The two of them stopped at the doorway to watch their friends. Serge say them and chuckled, "Hey you two. You're under the mistletoe. You know what that means. You two need to kiss!" Serge continued to egg them on until Klara hit him. Marlya and Free looked at each other before kissing each other on the lips. Lily and Eleanor wolf whistled at the kiss while Director Auler collected the money that Robert owed her from their bet about how those two would get together.

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