1. The Lake of Avalon

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Merlin was sitting by the Lake of Avalon, eyes glassy with unshed tears as memories of Camelot washed over him. It was a long time ago since he sent Arthur in that little boat on the lake. A long time ago since Camelot fell. A millenium and a half had past, and everyone from Camelot was gone. All, but him. Stuck unchanged as the world moved on around him waiting for his king to arise again. But Merlin is losing hope. It's been 1500 years, and Merlin is giving up hope. When Merlin was in Camelot, he had fallen in love with Arthur. He can't remember when he started to develop feelings for the prat, but everyday he fell more and more in love with him. But when he was coming to terms with his feelings for him, Arthur fell in love with Gwen and eventually made her his queen. That hurt Merlin a lot. But Merlin was willing to give up anything for Arthur. His love and happiness among them. As long as Arthur was happy, then that was all that mattered. When Arthur died, Gwen found out she was pregnant and gave birth to boy named, Gerrant who made an excellent king. Gwen was distraught that Arthur never got to meet him and she missed Arthur dearly, but eventually found love again and married Sir Leon. Merlin, however, never found anyone. And he knew he never would. Arthur was the one, even if Arthur would never reciprocate his feelings. And Merlin accepted that. But Merlin couldn't move on. Nor did he want to. No one knew of his feelings. Not even Gaius, but Merlin had a feeling that he suspected. That was another secret he kept guarded. Merlin loved Arthur, and he always will. No matter how much time passed.

"Merlin." The voice of his best friend--in this century--brought him out of his memories. Merlin turned to look her. They were both doing coursework for University. Merlin wore black jeans, brown boots, a blue top, brown jacket and a red scarf. Merlin wore similar clothes to what he wore in Camelot but modernised. Merlin always wore a scarf or a hoodie as it hid the scars he has on his neck from protecting Arthur. That was the reason why he wore his neckerchief in Camelot. He got a way with wearing a scarf because it was almost winter and it was starting to get colder. Ella was 21 years old and had golden blonde hair--like Arthur's was--that was tied back in a ponytail and warm brown eyes--like Guinevere's. She wore dark blue jeans, trainers, a red and white stripey long sleeved t-shirt and a dark blue jumper. Ella was Arthur's descendant and Merlin had looked after Arthur's family for centuries--not that she was aware of this, of course. Merlin had made a promise Gwen and Arthur--he went back to the lake shortly after Gwen and Arthur's son had been born--to look after the family and Merlin doesn't intend on breaking it. "Are you alright?"

It was only then, that Merlin became aware of the tears silently falling down his cheeks. Merlin wiped them away hastily, and gave her a fake grin. "Yeah, I'm fine." Merlin lied. He hadn't been fine in a long time, but she doesn't know that. Ella looked at him skeptically for a minute before going back to her coursework. It was getting quite dark. "Shall we head back home, it's getting dark." Ella was thoughtful for a minute, before she relented.

"Yeah we should. And I know what you are like every time we come here." She said.

"Right, well we should get going." They packed up their University coursework, and headed home. Ella and Merlin live together in Merlin's house. Ella's parents died when she was 17 and Merlin asked her to move in with him and she agreed. They were in their last year of University--Merlin for the hundredth time--and they were also the best in their classes. Merlin was taking a History course and Ella was taking an Arts course. They walked back to the house in silence. They lived about a half an hour walk from the lake. Ella usually insists on using the car, but Merlin prefers walking. It's easier and Merlin doesn't like driving. Yes, Merlin can drive, but he prefers not to if he can help it.

When they reached the house, Merlin went upstairs into his room, locking the door. He sound proofed his room, before he completely broke down in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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