** Part 1 **

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I woke up with a terrible pain in my back from acrobatics last night. I must have not stretched right, I'm not really focused on that right now. I'm excited and stressed about more people coming into my dad's circus. Yeah, I'm excited ,but I'm scared if someones going to take my place. Being home schooled you don't make many friends, I managed to make one when I started doing acrobatics. Her name is Isabel Garcia, I call her Izzy. We've been friends since I was seven, we have so much in common. Isabel is the only person I share ALL of my secrets with. We are both working in the circus together. She isn't home schooled so she is more in the normal world with more friends, she has already had a few boyfriends, but she is single right now. It wont be soon till she gets another one boyfriend , since she is beautiful, funny, and just out of this world. On the other hand, I'm nerdy, my mind is always on acrobatics... acrobatics acrobatics acrobatics is all that I think about. But I'm not a total out cast, Izzy has taken me to a few parties, and she has gotten me into trouble that my dad doesn't know about cause I'm pretty scared of him. I'm not close to him like I was with my mom or how close I am with Isabel. But I try. I mostly just focus on acrobatics. Until I go to Izzy's house, she tells me about school, her friends, and her boyfriends. Then I start thinking of how my life would be if I wasn't home schooled. She tells me all the stuff I'm missing out on. She sees how disappointed I get then she introduces me to some of her friends. And that's kinda how I make my  friends. I like it cause it makes me feel like I'm not soo left out but there still something missing. I just need that certain thing right now. I know I have Izzy so I will just get her to help me.

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