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(You and boyfriend Tom are fighting again. As usual he is yelling at you in his car. Which you always seem to fight in. This time it was about a boy who seemed all to friendly. But it was only harmless flirting.)
"Tommy, STOP!" I begged, "please stop yelling" I continued as tears streamed down my face and onto my skirt. "No!" Tommy said, I could tell he was really mad,"I won't Y/n, So stop crying or get out!" I could see the bitterness in his face.
How am I supposed to do that right now! The car was moving...and I could tell he wasn't going to pull over, or slow down. I looked at the road, and then back at Tommy. Quite honestly with all the things he's done to me, I'd rather die. So I opened the door and I reluctantly got out.
The impact of my body hitting the ground knocked me out cold.

         Dally's point of view
I was just walking over to Darry's place, when I saw a girl jump out of a car. But the car didn't stop. So, I ran to her to see if she was alright. She was unconscious. So I picked her up and carried her to Darry's. She was real pretty and soft. Even with the cuts and bruises. And something seemed familiar about her. It's like I've seen her before. Lost in the thoughts of how I knew her, I drew nearer. When I got to Darry's, the whole gang was there. They were really confused about what had happened to her.
Ponyboy said " what happened to her?!".
"I don't exactly know what happened to her but she jumped out of some soc's car."
"While it was moving?!" questioned Johnny, I could tell he was afraid.

"Yeah while it was moving."While I explained this, Darry and Sodapop were addressing her wounds. They said she'd wake up in a few minutes. So we all waited. And for about two minutes there was a complete silence.

Until..."She's real pretty," said Two-bit.

"Yeah so what lots of girls are pretty!" I quickly snarled, with absolutely no clue why the comment upset me so much.
"Well yeah but she's real pretty. I think she'd be prettier in my bed.", Steve said with a wise smile.
"Can it Steve!" I snarled again without even thinking about it. What was I saying, we'd  joke around like that all the time. It's not like it's a big deal, but I didn't want to make jokes like that right now. Not about her.

After a bit of silence she woke up. She look around, as all of us pretend like we weren't just looking at her.
"Sorry -" I stopped, looking at her face as she seemed confused . "Dallas!"she said. Her voice was soft, and confused.
The gang looked at me, I was just as confused as they were. How in the hell did she know my name?!

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