Chapter 10

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"Hey man," Ewen said to his brother as he entered his bedroom.

"Hey," Leland answered back. He had just gotten home from school on Christmas break and was unpacking his bags.

"Where have you been?"

"With Hell-Kat," he shrugged.

"Huh," Ewen chuckled, "figures."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Leland snapped.

"It means," Ewen retorted, "that you can't keep away from her long enough for anything. I'm actually surprised you could handle going to school so far away."

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Yeah right. You are so gaga over her it's disgusting," Ewen chuckled.

Leland looked down at the ground in a guilty gesture. What brought this on? All he said is that he was next door with Kit. All of a sudden his brother started in on him. He was already upset with himself for his lack of self-control, he didn't need his brother's shit.

"Oh my gosh! You totally scored with her!" Ewen exclaimed.

"What? I did not!" Leland was shocked. He could never keep anything from Ewen. They were too close for that, but he had hoped he could keep their kisses to himself for a little while. He wanted to keep it special. If he went around telling everyone then it would take something away from it. Not to mention that he didn't want Kit to feel like he'd been out bragging all over town. What happened in that hammock was between the two of them.

And if he were being honest with himself, he was scared to death that she might run in the opposite direction if he went and told the whole world, no matter how tempting it is. Not to mention that they hadn't really discussed what the step would be after that. He knew he wanted forever with her, but what did Hell-Kat want?

"Then tell me why you look so guilty," Ewen crossed his arms over his chest and stared his brother down. Though Leland was two years older, but Ewen still had a few extra inches on him.

"This is between you and I, ok? Like, seriously no one else can know about this. I kissed her... twice," Leland admitted after a few moments of silence, and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, "I couldn't help myself. Then she kissed me. Best kiss of my life man."

"Why do you look so guilty then?"

"This wasn't part of the plan."

"What plan?"

"What is it to you?" Leland snapped.

Ewen shrugged, "Just humor your little brother."

Leland sighed heavily, messed up his hair even more than Kit had already, the memory of her hands in his hair as their lips and tongues mated distracted him momentarily. Then he answered his brother, "After she graduates, I'd tell her how I feel," he stated, "then see what happens."

"That's it? Does Kit know about this plan?" Ewen inquired.

"How could I tell her about it without telling her how I feel? It defeats the whole purpose you idiot!"

"All I'm saying is you're gonna screw this up if you keep to this plan and not involve her in it. Graduation is six months away, what if she finds someone else?"

That really caught Leland's attention, "Like who?"



"You want to go home?" Leland asked, jolted out of his stunned silence.

"Well," Kit shrugged, "if you're not enjoying yourself then that is probably a good idea. Don't you think?"

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