Spottedleaf the Wise

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Fireheart: oooooo, what's this?! *picks up tablet with app that says "minecraft"*

Spottedleaf: That, Firestar, is ...Minecraft

Fireheart: 😧😧😧😧

Maplepaw: Its a game where you punch things and build stuff! 😃

Fireheart: What?

Spottedleaf: *goes into minecraft app on her own tablet* *hands tablet to Fireheart* here. See that thing?

Fireheart: yeah,

Spottedleaf: Its a sheep

Sheep: bahhh

Fireheart: *crying* its... So... Beautiful!

Maplepaw: *rolls eyes*

Fireheart: oh, Spottedleaf, teach me the ways of the wise in "minecraft"!

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