Santa Is On His Way, Santa Is Here

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    (A/N): Death Note and its characters don't belong to me, nor do the fanarts I use.

    LxNear means shota, so if anyone is offended/triggered by reading this kind of fanfiction, I suggest simply turning back and finding something more to your taste. (There's nothing explicit here, but, just to be safe.)

  And now, on to the story.


  A holiday Near hated. By definition, Christmas is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. He was mostly indifferent to that. What he hated, however, was what people did today, instead of keeping their traditions intact. Now this holiday is nothing but a few days full of loud music, flashy decorations, rooms full of people leading to unnecessary social interactions and an excuse to buy gifts.

  And unfortunately for Near, Wammy's House celebrated Christmas as well.

  A day before Christmas the whole orphanage visited the city nearby and all children were encouraged to buy a gift or two so that they could exchange them with each other the following morning. As if this was not concerning enough, the next noon they had to sit at the Dining Hall for about two full hours and were actually expected to discuss with each other.

  While it wasn't something Near was afraid of, due to his lack of friends, and to his general disinterest in making any, he found all of this extremely dull. He could be doing many far more fascinating activities than sitting on a table chair, twirling his hair, simply waiting to be released by Roger.

  A knock on the door disrupted his thought process.

  "Enter". Near commanded in a monotone.

  Just as he anticipated, it was Roger.

  "Pardon me, Near, but we're all having a meeting downstairs".

  "Alright, Roger, I'm coming".

  The headmaster of the orphanage waited for him to finish his puzzle first. Apparently, he knew better than to interrupt him. Once the last four pieces were put into place, Near got up and followed Roger to the 'Conference Room', as the headmaster liked to call it.

  The place was full of children chatting lowly, patiently waiting for Roger's announcement.

  "Now that Near is with us as well, I believe we may begin". The elderly gentleman said and got on the stage of the Conference Room.

  Meanwhile Near took a seat at the front, next to Linda who waved excitedly at him.

  "As you all know, tomorrow is the 25th of December, Christmas, so to say. Just like every other year at 6 p.m. we will be taking a trip to the nearest city..."

  Near wasn't interested at listening anything more. It was the same every year. He has grown quite tired of it.

  Christmas is a day one is expected to spend with their family. If they don't have one, then what's the point?

  Near just played with his toys until it was time to leave. All the children got in the bus, along with Roger and six other caretakers. The ride to the city was short. Linda tried to get him to start a conversation multiple times but Near was not in the mood at all. Not that he would ever be in the mood to have a conversation with Linda, for that matter. The girl was loud, irritating and didn't even possess the most basic of knowledge.

Death Note: Christmas Special 2019Where stories live. Discover now