Part II: A Bleak Future

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Around the same time, the Palace of Cordelia was in a great upheaval. The old Germaina Eyla Truna had been forced to attend to the Oracle, who had requested for an urgent audience in private. The Germaina was a little annoyed that she had to abandon her court in a great haste, but some solace fell upon her when her oldest child, Doriath, assured that he would take care of the rest of her duties.

Thus, Eyla found herself in a very private chamber of the palace, one where meetings of the utmost importance were held. She sat at the table and bid Oracle Riha to take a seat, as well. She gave a low curtsy and did so.

"Now, Oracle, what is it that had to say to me that was of so dire importance, that I had to leave a court of needy denizens?" she enquired. She couldn't help the annoyance seeping into her voice just a little bit.

"Your highness," began the Oracle, "my deepest apologies for such impudence. But, I have just foreseen a great disaster that I needed to tell you of it at once."

"What great disaster? Like the threat of Chaos we had ten years ago?"

"No, your highness, but I suppose it's on the same level."

"All right then. Tell me."

Oracle Riha cleared her throat. "Very soon, a young girl will be born to a great mage in Sahara. I'm not sure where, but I think she's related to the people who fought in the battle with Chaos. She has a great potential for either good or evil – when she's old enough, it would be up to her to choose.

"If she chooses the path of the good, she would be immense help to do away with the threat. If, however, she were to choose the path of evil..." She shuddered ever so slightly. She closed her eyes as though in concentration. "If she were to choose the path of evil, then may the Creator have mercy upon the world and spare us all!"

Eyla Truna's eyes widened to show her shock. "Such a great disaster?"

"Yes, your highness," replied the Oracle. "It reeks of the one who was behind the events ten years ago – I can feel the same Dark energy. Germaina, you should soon call another meeting of the Majors and discuss this, before the child is born – that is my counsel to you."

The Germaina rested her back on the vertical length of her seat. "I suppose I must," she mused. "Well then, is that all you have for me to-day, Oracle?"

"Yes, your highness."

"All right. Well, another meeting is due next month, anyway. And since you tell me this is a matter of great urgency, I shall call one next week – give our people time to prepare and journey all the way here."

"I agree, your highness."

She gave the mage a small smile. "By any chance, do you think that the child would belong to you?" At a confused look from him, she threw her head back and laughed. "Oh, Riha, I'm only jesting! I know it's a grave situation, but you did say that the child would be 'of a great mage'! I couldn't resist the joke!"
Oracle Riha released a long breath in relief. "Please, your highness, do not give me such heart attacks again!"

A few minutes later, when Germaina Eyla and Oracla Riha emerged out of the meeting chamber, they were greeted by black horse.

At first, Eyla stopped in her tracks and stared in bewilderment. In all of her life in that palace, she had never once seen a horse, of all things, inside. She glanced at the Oracle, then the two guards standing rigid at the entrance to the chamber, before turning back to the horse.

The animal neighed softly. "Greetings from Jermis, your highness!"

At this, the Germaina's eyes went wide in recognition and she clutched her clothing where her heart lay deep inside her chest.

"Oh, goodness!" she exclaimed, relief showing on her face. "Racer! Of course it's you!" She went to embrace the horse in delight, much to the Oracle's confusion. The guards, on the other hand, were used to this sort of gestures and thus, didn't bother to take notice.

The horse laughed. "Yes, it's me! I flew in as a raven and then, turned back into my horse form. I have a letter for you – exciting news!" He tilted his head to his left.

Germaina Eyla smiled and went up to the guard there. "Please hand me the letter."

The soldier did so without even breaking a glance at her.

"Thank you." She took it and opened the parchment. As she read it, though, her smile faded and a slight frown set in.

Oracle Riha stepped towards her. "Is something the matter, Germaina?" she enquired quietly.

Eyla slowly turned to face her, the parchment limp in her hands. She swallowed a lump that began to form in her throat. The colour drained from her face.

"Oracle Riha," she gasped, "I think what you foresaw has already begun." 

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