Cheesesteaks and Bullies

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Billy walked the streets of Philadelphia, lost and confused by all the new things surrounding him. He still wore his hospital gown, which gained him weird looks from other people as he walked. On the bottom of his gown, a corner was singed from the explosion back at the lab.

His feet tensed up with every step not used to the harsh sidewalk pavement. His whole body was full of goosebumps, and his eyes became watery, not used to the sharp frigid air from the December temperature. Billy continuously wiped his eyes, attempting to stop the liquid that left them.

Billy still couldn't believe that he got away, but now that he was out in the real world, he was scared, confused, and in over his head. He didn't know where to go or even what everything was. Every block revealed something new and interesting, but when he reached an old shopping center, he stopped.

Something had caught his eye, a black and white object that blared a loud noise and flashed red and blue lights. This object sat in front of a pawnshop that had its alarm set off recently.

Billy slowly made his way to the strange object, he wasn't frightened by it, but it did intrigue him. And the flashing lights and siren sounded better than anything he heard at the lab.

As he got closer, a white bag reading "Geno Steaks" that had two yellow looking items sticking out. The bag smelled terrific, and to Billy, this aroma was something he'd never smelled before, and it excited him. Billy knew he needed this bag, but as Billy reached for the bag, a loud noise startled him.

"Hey, Kid!"

Billy backed his hand away and looked at the bag in confusion, unsure why it yelled at him.

"Kid! Get away from the car!"

Billy heard the noise again and thought it came from the bag until he saw movement out fo the corner of his eye. When he looked over, he saw two police officers coming out of the Pawnshop one male and one female.

Billy looked at the male officer with fear in his eyes. The officer looked angry just as Papa did when he failed his tests.

"Hold it, kid!" The officer yelled as he got closer.

Billy knew he had to do one thing. Run.

He grabbed the bag of steaks and took off.

The officers came around to the side of the car Billy was on ready to grab the kid and take him down to the station, but instead a massive gust of wind shot leaves and trash in their faces.

When their vision cleared, Billy was gone.

The officers stared at each other in bewilderment before the Male officer muttered, "He stole my lunch."

(Line Break)

You know how Freddie loved to say, "Shit." Well, that's the perfect way to describe his day. Waking up late and then getting to school just in time for the Bryer Brothers to comment on his breath from not brushing his teeth because he woke up late. Then the bullies shoved his head in a toilet and gave him a wedgie.

They eventually let him go, but he ended up being late to homeroom, where he got lectured in front of everyone for being late.

The rest of the school day went as smoothly as it could for Freddie after the morning he had, so when the dismissal bell rang, it was music to the raven-haired boy's ears.

Freddie made his way through the crowd of eager kids just as excited as he was to leave school for the day. Kids bumped into him, almost knocking him over at times, but Freddie's used to this as it comes with being a disabled kid since you move slower than everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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