Chapter 13: My Little Prince~!

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" Remember all those fun times we had a long time ago....

I bet you miss them ...i know i do....

We could be like that again you know unstoppable...

My little prince you can't lie to me

I've seen your fear and your worry~!

So much potential is wasted away~!

It's sad to see what you become~!" The shadow prince sang

" No~!" ash said

" Poor little prince~!

Do you honestly think...that you can forgive what they've done~!

I know you miss it~!

The power inside~!

Let's be complete and unstoppable

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Let's be complete and unstoppable....." the shadow prince sang

" Never....I will not let you control him again!" mew said

" really think he will belive you care about him? You just keep him around beacuse he's useful...." the shadow prince said

" stop with your lies...Umbra!  He will not bow to you again! I know you can't take on someone...unless they agree...and i'll make sure he will never agree to you again! I will protect him!" mew said

" you goten disapointing....." the shadow prince he got closer to ash...

" You say you will protect him...then...but you can not stop what's going to happen...." the shadow prince said grabbing ash

"what? " mew said

" N-No...!" mew said

" My poor little prince still young and so naive~!

Why can't you see? there is no stopping me~!" the shadow prince sang to ash

" before say another word...Umbra...before you try to chain him up like a slave again!

before you try to chain him up like a slave again!

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Listen to me.... you will not succeed~!

I'll make sure he will refuse that path!

I will make sure you are put away nobody will belive....your deceit!

You promised him a Hateless word

you promised him!..." mew sang

" i fill that deed...but someone like you  can't have her dreams....a being such as you!

My porr little prince~!" the shadow prince sang

" I become a fearless...pokemon!" mew sang

" the seeds been planted now.... Now it's time to watch it grow...

What's about to happen is your fault~!

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What's about to happen is your fault~!

You will cause his downfall!

I will make you watch as i...transform his true self...that self that he is scarred to be around a monster like you~!" the shadow prince sang

that self that he is scarred to be around a monster like you~!" the shadow prince sang

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" NO!" mew screamed... ash ash disapperad...with the shadow...

Pokemon Prince You Have Forgiven  ( mew two x ash a firstshipping fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now