A Friend? -Extra-

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Hey, um it's E-
How it all started, is over, but I guess I never explained something-

The orb, the thing attached to me.

How I encountered the annoying thing when it became sentient.

Let me tell the story-

It was a quiet day. Maybe 10 to 20 years had gone by since imprisonment. I don't quite remember-

I was working on repairing the lab. To keep my mind off things, mostly the pain and agony my body felt from the lack of magic it needed. The lab was incredibly dirty and recked, so it took a long time to clean. Most of it was blocked off and many things weren't accessible anymore, so I only worked on the main lab and testing chambers.

I had finished repairing most of the mainframe for the testing room. So after doing that I went to take a break after, and as an idiot back then, I slept on the couch I had taken from my old apartment.

Then I remember opening my eyes to a loud thud in the room.

"What the hell?" Was all I managed to say tiredly.

Didn't know how someone could get in here, so I was confused and got off the couch. Then I walked over to the noise which seemed to come from under the desk, so I bent down to see what it was.

It was weird, a tentacle, with a bright blue eye. It squirmed under the desk like some sorta worm.

Then it noticed me-

And then it let out a distorted scream.

I remember falling backwards, falling on my own tentacle. Panicking a bit awkwardly.

Then I realized we where connected.

I still had some emotions back then, I remember... I remember I nearly screamed and passed out....

Heck, probably the only time I acted that scared after being imprisoned-

It came up to me after shaking for a while, then cooed at me, softly, awkwardly.

I was confused, really confused, but at the moment I was just honestly relieved that this wasn't a sign of me going mad again, that something was actually present, here-

I spoke with it a bit. And after a moment it responded to me. But not normally. It was more through telepathy or something like that.

It seemed confused about its existence as well. Seems it had no memories or recollection of anything at all. All it seemed to know was how to speak and use its magic. It was extremely odd.

I was confused and curious about it, but it's not like I could do anything about it, all I could do was help it understand the situation it was in, well, what we were both in-

Well....ended up working with it after a while, teaching it new things and it later helped me as well. Heh... I honestly was happy for a while. Yet fearful as well, my hunger pains from my corruption drove me mad at times, worst cases was that I loose consciousness to It, and honestly, I was terrified, terrified of killing them like everyone else I came into contact with-

However that never happened, it understood a lot, and managed to understand the situation, and with it we managed to cooperate and go through the issues together.

Though I have to say despite that, it's an incredibly annoying thing. It becomes annoying every time I'm busy or telling it to be quiet. It was like having a sibling sometimes and a toddler the next-

And it ended up becoming more like a toddler as those years went by-

After a while my curiosity got the better of me. I went and pulled out the scroll the spell I used originated from. I had hidden it carefully away from everyone, and they never found it despite them clearing the place. I didn't want to touch it, I was really unsure about it, but I opened it up and read it thoroughly anyways.

And then I noticed... the fine print....

The spell is known as safeguard, in darker terms, bonds' cradle. It is a spell that creates a union, a magical imprint on your soul, protecting it and creating a orb, which with it allows the free will of absorbing, containing and using any magic with ease. It's dangerous and powerful stuff, especially in the wrong hands. It is forbidden due to this but also because-

It requires the life of another to make it...

Well... as I read on...it stated something that pierced all my thoughts, on how I never noticed this text till now..

"Both contenders must accept this pact of power. If one is forced against their will, both shall fall in this unity of destruction, two shall become one and one shall become nothing. Thus nothing will take from everything and become everything yet nothing."

...In common terms, both contenders had to accept the deal. Or else it becomes sentient....because it itself is broken, releasing some of the souls' emotions as well as absorbing that of the casters and any soul it steals.

So yeah... that's what happened, that why it was here, like this. I remember being devastated about it for a while once realizing what happened, for it was another call of bad judgment on my part, another mistake to my already pile of them weighing on my shoulders-

I guess something good came from it though, it may drive me insane at times, but it's not all that bad to have around....

It's been with me this long, and I'm just going to be stuck with it for as long as I live.

And that is all.

This is probably the last time I'll be writing here.

There is no more to say, now I must look to the future-

So, Good Bye-

Erick Mirado- OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now