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Here's the reality of it.

Here's the reality of it. I'm not the girl guys want. I'm not the girl who's so beautiful everyone stares. I'm not the girl who walks in the room and everyone stops breathing. I'm not the girl who people love. I'm not the girl who is wanted. I'm the girl who tries to hard. I'm the girl who cares about school and work more than friends. I'm the girl who overachieves. I'm not someone who people want. I'm not someone who people love. I'm used to people Getting up and leaving. Because I'm not beautiful. I'm not hot. All I have to me is book smarts. And work. Most of my writing is based off truth. Most of my drawings are based off everything in my mind. And no one can deny it. Because no one will look at me and say "that's her. That's the girl I'm going to marry." And I'm okay with that.

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