Chapter 3

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We tried to enter the small space at the same time and awkwardly maneuvered ourselves. I was facing him and my nose nearly met his cheek, his scent teased me and I felt myself leaning towards him in order to get a better whiff. I quickly squeezed past him and hoped he hadn't noticed. He moved away from me to sit on the cot across the room, and I found myself missing his warmth and scent. I felt the corners of my mouth turning down, Now all I smelled was Lysol disinfectant.

He wasn't that far away, but those 8 ft. were 8 ft. too many in my opinion. Why was I so attached to this stranger's presence? I don't even know his name. In an effort to tear my eyes away from him I looked over at the pictures promoting health that were all over the walls. However, I felt his eyes on me, but I resisted turning around. It seems like one of us doesn't mind staring so blatantly.

"Elise and...whoever you are, why are you here today ?" Mrs. Keaton asked us bluntly, she sat down with a plop in her office chair and eyed us over the rim of the coffee cup she sipped from. She seemed to sense the strangely tense atmosphere.

I turned my attention to her and tried to think of a legitimate excuse when he spoke first, "Well I'm Kareem, and Elise..she had a bad headache, so I escorted her here," His tone was easy and soothing. Convincing, like there hadn't been any other strange interactions between us earlier.

He smiled at me a bit as if to say, 'it's all good'. I felt a warm feeling in my chest. "It seems we both need a pass though, would you mind filling one out for us?"

He had a bit of a pleading puppy look in his eyes. I felt myself nodding my head 'yes' even though the question wasn't directed at me. I could see Ms. Keaton turn a bit red. She hid her face behind her cup and took a while to compose herself. I raised an eyebrow at Kareem, and he smiled mischievously at me, a dimple appeared. Be still my heart.

"Sure," she tore off a piece of paper and began scribbling. Did she have a thing for ruining moments? "Here you go."

She extended her arm to him and he gave her another smile as took the paper. In a few short strides he was by my side once more, I felt more calm as I took him in this time. He looked down at me briefly, then away quickly. What was that about? He and I waved goodbye to Mrs. Keaton and I looked back at her, she winked at me and pointed to the two of us. My eyes widened and my face got hot, I turned around quickly and fast walked out of there.

He was ahead of me and I jogged a bit to catch up, he didn't look at me but looked toward the end of the empty hall as if he was lost in thought. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but I felt the need to ask him the obvious question.

"Who are you?" I asked him. He didn't respond, his brow was furrowed and his eyes still staring down the hallway. I could see no activity down there. I lifted my hand and hesitated. We were almost to the classroom. In a split moment decision I grabbed his arm and a shock went through me. The whole hallway seemed brighter, his scent became sharper in my nose and the air itself felt charged. He stopped abruptly and looked at me.

"Who are you?" I asked him again. His eyes were glowing

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