cause and effect

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I had you, I had you for so long... I craved you for even longer. Finally we were so close. We had so much to give each other. You took things to fast almost like we have been one this whole time you said you loved me. You said you cared about me. You promised me that you would never leave me... now I'm sitting in my room covering my mouth so no one will hear me wailing,screaming, crying looking at your picture on my phone ,blaring depressing songs in my earbuds, trying to forget all the love you gave me,tearing myself down and cutting myself up I can't do anything more to help myself than telling myself it's ok. I'm feeling bad for myself because no one else will. Getting so unbelievably angry at people for not asking me what wrong but they do,they ask me everyday I just can't let them know, I'll say I'm fine but what I'm really trying to say is help me,get my mind to stop going to this godforsaken place that's just an abyss of things that got over thought, things that I want to happen so badly, things that would kill me if I knew more about them. An abyss of...Time.

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