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Harley's POV.
As the morning sunlight drifted into mine and Peter's shared bedroom I rolled over only to be greeted by an empty bed. Which was unusual since I normally wake up before Peter. Getting out of bed I pull on a t-shirt and walk into the kitchen.
Rounding the corner of the hallway I find my husband Peter Parker sitting crisscross on the kitchen island. Staring blankly out the window with a cold cup of once hot tea in his hands.
"How long have you been up?" I question the man that normally doesn't get up until noon without force. "Hmm oh... uh I had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep so about midnight." Peter states still staring out the window. "Oh honey why didn't you wake me I could have helped?" I ask growing more and more concerned about my husband. "You looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to burden you." Peter says finally looking away from the window. "Sweetheart you are not a burden I love you and I am here for you always ok why don't you tell me about this nightmare?" I ask I have a feeling I already know what it's about. "It was about mom and dad and the battle with Thanos. What if we never got the chance to save mom at Vormir. Or if your dad hadn't survived the snap. They have been there for me for forever Harley and I don't know what I would do if they hadn't survived." Peter whimpers out before breaking down into a sob. "If I could sweetheart, I would kiss away all your scars I can't stand seeing you in pain." I mumble pulling him into a hug. "Why don't we have a day in on the couch and we can visit every one tomorrow?" I feel peter nod into my chest as I pick him up off the counter and his previously crossed legs wrap around my waist. "Mmm.... You're warm" I hear Peter mumble as I lay us down on the couch were we spend the rest of the day talking and cuddling.

A/n sorry if this sucks I really tried and it's late I should probably sleep but anywho please make requests I need inspiration and I will try my Diggley darndest to do them all. That's it for today I'm off to sleep.
P.S.: I have to drafted oneshots that I'm working on right now so stay tuned for those.
— later hoes ✌️😗✌️

So i am updating right here to let you know that I might not be able to post for a little while because I am moving and everything is kinda a mess right now.

Peter Parker X Harley Keener oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now