chapter 22 || taking cover for you 📓

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i stomp into class all pissed off

ethan: heyy!! *sees ur expression* oh-

lana: i sat next to ethan with a salty face on

ethan: hey you good? wanna talk?

lana: nO and nO

ethan: wow stanky 😳 well okay then
i then continued doing my homework

lana: why am i mad at ethan? he didn't do anything wrong to me.. ugh lana your such a dumbass i swear 🤦🏼‍♀️

ms katie (bio teacher) = mk

mk: GOODMORNING CLASS! did y'all finish the homework i gave last week? i'm gonna walk around and check them now!


ethan: you slept last week remember? even fell to my shoulders-

lana: A-AH AHHH i got it i remember! don't tell me that again 🤦🏼‍♀️ ARGHHHH what do i do now?

mk just finished checking the person infront lana and ethan now walking towards them

ethan: here just take mine *slides the book to lana*

mk: nice handwriting you got there lana! and you've done all pages too, well done 👏🏼

lana: i- *my heart is beating so fast*

mk: ethan! what happen to your work? i thought you did em all last week where is it?

ethan: i left my book in the car :/

mk: oh dear, next time make sure to bring it

ethan: yes ma'am

mk walks back to the front

mk: good job class everyone has handed their work to me except ethan but it's fine


lana: why did you give me your book for?

ethan: you know your getting detention if you don't bring it right

lana: now the class thinks your stupid when i'm the real dummy here

ethan: they don't matter to me, you seem mad and if you make it into detention i'm afraid you'll do stupid things in there

lana: like???

ethan: cut yourself, attempt suicide-

lana: ok enough.

ethan: *smiles and pats lana's head*
pls stay awake and do your homework next time pls :)

lana: *smiles*
okay fine ~

ethan: OHLOOK ! shes smiling again !! thats the lana i know :D


hey guyssss go I'm back and i cant promise ill be as active as i used too but ill try my best to find ideas whenever i can :) hope you enjoy this lame chapter !!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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