Chapter 01

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Sun-Hi POV

"Sun-Hi, you're up next." One of the managers said. Reluctantly I made my way to the interview room and sat down in a chair in front of fake cameras and people pretending to be paparazzi. This was the part I absolutely loathed about being a trainee, media training.

"Try not to ruin it again this time." The trainer said. I nodded, feeling determined. It was one of the last chances they wanted to give me, at least that were the rumors going around the hallways in the dorms. If I can't be a cute, fun and charismatic idol on camera than I was never going to be an idol at all.

I took another big, deep breath, trying to calm my heart down that was going a thousand miles an hour. I had to nail this right now. If it wasn't just for me, I had to do it for my girls who counted on me. One of the last few hurdles before we could finally debut and show the world what we had to offer.

I looked at the cameras in front of me and tried to smile but could feel the panic rising up in my chest as soon as they started asking me all types of questions. The words that came out of their mouths didn't even register in my head, all I could do was stare at them while the realization that I really couldn't do this hit me.

I had no idea how long I sat there, motionless, staring at the people in front of me asking me questions, but by the looks of frustration on their faces it was too long.

A hand landed on my shoulder and I turned around seeing Soojin, one of the members of my group, standing behind me with a sad smile on her face. She wiped her thumb across my left cheek and only then I noticed that I was actually crying. Again.

"Let's not do this today. We should try to build it up, not make her do this all at once with so many cameras in front of her face." Soojin said to our media trainer. Her hand on my shoulder felt soothing, I was grateful she interrupted the torture I was going through. She knew how hard this was for me. It's why I always thought she should have been the leader of our group.

"We can't keep doing this at her pace, it's time she just gets over it and does what she needs to do. We've never had this issue with any of our other idols." The trainer said.

Here we go again. They always have to tell me how useless I am and how much they wish I was like other idols.

"If you want your group to debut you better make sure she gets her act together quickly. We can't keep investing time in a girl that doesn't seem to want this." He spat out. "We're done here. We'll resume training tomorrow, it's late anyway."

Tears kept running silently down my cheeks. I hated how they always said how they thought I didn't want this bad enough. I gave up everything for this life.

I've been auditioning at lots and lots of companies since I was fifteen years old and three years after that I finally got offered a contract over here at Big Hit Entertainment. Not to mention that I had been training for three years at Big Hit now. It was longer than most of the trainees that had been here. I'd seen some of the other girls I'd been training with debuting, while I was working my butt off to even be placed into a group. It was finally looking better though, I was finally in a group, we recorded our album and our debut was only two months away. Unless I couldn't appear in public without freaking out.

"Let's go back to the dorm, Sun-Hi. It's okay." I hated the pity in her voice, she must deep down be angry with me too. I'm what's keeping her from debuting as well.

I shoved her hand off my shoulder and got up from the chair, ignoring everyone but her.

"I just need to be alone right now." I managed to croak out as I made my way out of the training room and into the hallways of the main building.

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