Chapter 10

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The days turned into weeks. My life as I knew it fell apart more then I could imagine. My sister forgot about me. It broke me to think of it. She continued her life not caring anymore about where I was, what kind of disaster I was. Everything I once had was gone. I laughed at the thought. The person who promised me she would never leave did. Josh had passed away in his sleep days ago. Andy, well Andy realized how fucked up I am. All the people who mattered to me had gone. It wasn't until I realized that that I finally realized how unwanted I was. No one needed me. No one wanted me in their life. Ironic how things work that way. The people who mean the most to you forget about.

I sat in the dark room of the motel. I didn't bother turning on the lights, there was no need for it. I wouldn't need them. The small bag sat in my lap. In front of me laid a small piece of paper. I wrote four simple words on the paper. Tears streaming down my face. How true these words were. I took the drugs I had and shoved the needle into my arm. I felt the wave of numbness rush over me. I emptied the syringe into my arm. I knew I shouldn't have. I had taken to much. I knew that. My eyes felt heavy. This was the end. The motel manager would come in a week from now pounding on my door. He'd open it with the master key all motel and hotel owners have and he'd find me. Laying on this bed. He would be the only person effected by my death. He would be the only person to read my last words. Those simple four words.

'I just needed someone'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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